Employee Relations provides support and guidance to supervisors and employees in addressing
workplace issues, job performance, and other workplace concerns.
Our success is based on three elements: how employees perform their individual jobs,
their contribution to the team and mission, and their behavior towards others and
the university as a whole. Individual employee performance collectively contributes
to the overall success of the organization.
The Appraisal and Development Plan (ADP) is the university's formal evaluation process
for all full-time staff employees. The ADP process is designed to recognize quality
work performance, provide feedback, and support the development of our employees.
We provide assistance and guidance on addressing job performance, discipline situations,
violations of policies and procedures, co-worker conflicts, and any workplace issue
that are impacting the department or individual employees. Additionally, we are available
to consult with on the various employee programs that are available to both employees
and supervisors in addressing situations.
We strive to maintain a positive working environment at Missouri State and believe
that your suggestions, comments and observations will help us to accomplish this goal.
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Provides guidance to supervisors and employees on workplace issues and job performance.
Manages the Appraisal and Development Plan (ADP) process. HR resource for resolving
employment issues and improving performance.