Dynamic Forms PAF Frequently Asked Questions and Help Guides

Human Resources is introducing new Dynamic Form PAFs (Personnel Action Forms) which will replace the old paper PAF pdf form.

The new Dynamic Form PAFs, like the old paper PAF, will be used to report appointments, terminations, changes in status, new compensation, or compensation changes of employees, etc. They will be used each time there is an action that should be recorded in the individual's personnel file or that requires a payroll action. The Dynamic Forms PAF is used as a transmittal form for approval of the personnel action.

Please note: These new forms will NOT be replacing hiring through the ATS, nor will they replace hiring through the current GA and Per Course BearPAF systems. Those systems will still be used!


Please reference the following help guides depending on your participation role for the form:

Frequently Asked Questions (09/28/2023)
Approver Help Guide (Coming Soon!)
Initiator Help Guide (10/4/2023)

These guides are all living documents and will be updated as needed. If you choose to print your own copy, please check back periodically to ensure you have the most current version by referring to the above publication date next to each guide.


If you do not find an answer to your question after referencing these guides, please email your question to HRRecords@MissouriState.edu and one of our teammembers will get back to as quickly as possible.


Person item component: michelebogart@missouristate.edu
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Person item component: THernandez@missouristate.edu
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