Per Course BearPAF Frequently Asked Questions

Cross-listed courses

Select the course and section you wish to pay. In the comments, list the course and section or CRN for the courses that are cross-listed with the one you for which you are paying.

Per course parking permit request form

A copy of the appointment letter is no longer needed by the parking office. The per course instructor will still need to complete the “Per Course Faculty Vehicle Registration and Parking Permit Request Form” to obtain a parking pass paid for by the Provost’s Office; the per course instructor should bring the form to the parking office after accepting the appointment letter.

Employment application

A copy of first two pages of the employment application is no longer needed.


Initiators will be notified through the BearPAF system if an I-9 is needed. If you believe an I-9 is needed and you haven’t been notified or you’ve been notified an I-9 is needed, but you don’t believe one is needed, please contact

Building, room number and campus phone

This item refers to the per course instructor’s on-campus office location where they hold their office hours, and campus phone number. If your practice is to provide the building, room number and phone for the department (your office) on paper PAFs, you may provide that here.

Split funded budgets

When selecting a position that matches the FOAP you want to use, be sure and check what populates the Fund, Orgn, Acct and Prog Fields. You may have selected a split budget; if that is not your intention, select a different position with the FOAP you want to use from the dropdown list on the BearPAF.

Late starts

If the per course instructor starts teaching late, enter the pay per hour. The total salary amount will reflect the amount they would have received had they started on time. In the comments section, enter “LATE START,” and list the date they started teaching. Payroll will compute the correct amount of the stipend taking into account the date of the late start.

Additional amount

If this field is used, a comment must be entered to explain the calculation used and/or the reason for an additional amount. This field is used if the amount to be paid is different than the normal calculation of credit hours taught multiplied by the amount paid per credit hour. This field would be used to enter the amount paid to emeritus per course with the calculation entered in the comment box. The additional amount field should not be used for online per student stipend payments. At the present time, paper PAFs are required for per student stipend payments.


If a per course instructor doesn’t have at least a Master’s degree recorded within Banner, this box will appear and must be completed before the BearPAF can be submitted for approval. Enter the reason why the department believes this person is qualified to teach the course as briefly as possible. If the per course instructor has a JD, MD, or other professional degree, the variance box might appear. Enter the justification in the box, such as, ‘a JD is the preferred degree for teaching Business Law’.


Please make comments only when needed; they should be brief and to the point. All comments will be digested and appear both on the BearPAF as well as the notification emails sent to approvers.

Notification emails

An email notifying an approver that they have a per course BearPAF to review and approve will be sent once in a twenty four hour period for the first BearPAF initiated in that twenty-four hour period. Subsequent BearPAFs initiated in that twenty-four hour period will not cause a notification to be sent. A BearPAF that has been waiting for approval for seven days will trigger another notification email.


An approver can designate someone to serve as their proxy approver; this can be done for a defined time period or on an ongoing basis with no end date. A fillable form is available for approvers to designate a proxy. People serving as proxy approvers will not receive email notifications of items waiting for their approval; proxies will need to go to the workflow tab on MyMissouristate and check their workflow tab. Workflow items available to them as a proxy have a special symbol associated with them in workflow; this will allow proxies who are also approvers for their own departments to distinguish between their own items to approve and those belonging to another approver for whom they are a proxy. A Proxy’s workflow will always contain all the items waiting for the approval of the person for whom they are a proxy during the period of time they are set up as a proxy, whether they need to act on them or not.

Reserved items in workflow

Once an approver or proxy clicks on an item in workflow, that item is checked out to them (reserved) and no one else can take action on it. If you are a proxy, be careful which items you click on, as only you can take action on the item after you open it.

Checking the status of BearPAFs

Initiators can check the status of BearPAFs that they have initiated by running an Argos report. Log into Argos from the Information Access Channel on the work resources tab in MyMissouristate. You will see a folder titled BearPAF; log in with your Banner ID and password and you can see information about BearPAFs you have submitted. In the status column, department approval includes all approvers, including the dean; you can’t see the particular approver in your college for which it is waiting for approval.