Information for Companies
The Pollution Prevention (P2) Project looks at your whole manufacturing operation to uncover sustainable opportunities to reduce waste, conserve energy, and save money. The program engages MSU and Missouri S&T students to participate in assessments and provide an experiential learning opportunity. Our process includes:

Benefits to your company
The Pollution Prevention assessment can reduce your business costs, energy costs, water consumption, wastewater generation, hazardous materials, and emissions, which:
- Promotes sustainable manufacturing and growth
- Improves profitability and competitiveness
- Reduces environmental impacts while gaining a competitive advantage
- Increases capacity to attract new business.
Financial resources
EPA Clearinghouse for Environmental Finance
EPA provides a clearinghouse of funding and technical resources that allows a user to choose Water, Land, or Air finance. There is a map, so you can see what is available in your state. There are “quick searches” so you can look for state revolving funds, case studies, small systems, wastewater treatment technologies, stormwater, webinars, environmental justice, or community revitalization.