Sustainability Teams


What is a Sustainability Team?

The Sustainability Teams program gives Missouri State University employees an opportunity to not only reduce environmental impacts, but to also support social and economic sustainability initiatives through Sustainable Development efforts. Teams commit to implementing strategies, share best practices, as well as educate and engage their peers.

The Goal of Sustainability Teams:

  • To reduce environmental impacts on the MSU campus (I.E. energy use, waste generation)
  • Promote sustainable development strategies on campus
  • To create a collegial atmosphere of cooperation among different units of the university

Want to Start a Sustainability Team?

Email Doug Neidigh, Sustainability Coordinator, the following information:

  1. Choose an Team Coordinator – this person will serve as the primary contact for your Sustainability Team. 
  2. Compile your member list for your office or department, which includes faculty, staff and students with office space – these individuals make up your Sustainability Team. 

For more information on forming a Sustainability Team, contact:  Doug Neidigh, Sustainability Coordinator,


Team Coordinator resources

Team Coordinators receive resources and information regarding sustainability, information on scheduled lunch and learns or workshops, and will submit annual reports on progress for the Sustainability Team.