Common Consequences

Below you will find information about the most common consequences that are assigned. These are here for your reference and general information. If you have any questions about specific consequences or consequences that you have been assigned please contact our office for further information. Our office can be reached at 417-836-5527.

Alcohol Policy Violations

Alcohol Policy Violations

  • First Alcohol Policy Violation: Fine; participation in a University approved alcohol education program (including an online module); and two (2) reflection papers.
  • Second Violation: Fine; participation in a University approved alcohol assessment and education program; at least fifteen (15) hours of approved community service; University Housing probation for one (1) year; and/or Level One Probation for a period of one (1) year; Parental notification, as allowed under FERPA regulations.
  • Third Violation: Parental notification, as allowed under FERPA regulations; University Housing suspension; a University approved assessment for chemical dependency; Level Two Probation for a period of one (1) year; and a fine.
  • Fourth Violation: Separation from the University (e.g., suspension or denial of privileges to re-enroll) for one (1) semester. Prior to readmittance, the Student will be required to meet with the Dean of Students (or designee) to discuss and demonstrate readiness to be at the University. The Student may be asked to submit documentation of successful substance abuse treatment. Students readmitted after a Fourth Violation will not be eligible for University Housing.

Alcohol policy violation consequences are outlined in section 7.11 of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Possession of Alcohol Paraphernalia Violations

  • First Violation: Warning and removal of Paraphernalia item.
  • Second Violation: Paper and removal of Paraphernalia item.
  • Third Violation: Parental notification, as allowed under FERPA regulations; University Housing probation; and removal of item.
  • Fourth Violation: University Housing suspension (e.g., suspension or denial of privileges to re-enroll) for one (1) semester. Prior to readmittance, the student will be required to meet with the Dean of Students (or designee) to discuss and demonstrate readiness to be at the University.

Alcohol paraphernalia policy violation consequences are outlined in section 7.11 of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Community Service

Community Service

Depending on the policy violation, the conduct officer will assign community service as a consequence for policy violations. 

All community service hours must be completed for a non-profit organization. You can utilize the Center for Community Engagement (located in PSU 131) or you can locate your own organization to serve, pending approval. Hours must be completed individually; they cannot be completed with other student organizations or Fraternity and Sorority Life.  

The community service hours will only be considered completed when the person supervising them has verified their completion. Community service hours supervisors cannot be fellow students or relatives.

Non-profit organizations in the area include:

Ronald McDonald House
Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks
Dickerson Park Zoo
Boys and Girls Club of Springfield
Habitat for Humanity
United Way

Turn in Community Service Hours


Papers and Apology Letters

Papers and Apology Letters

You may be required to write a reflection paper, impact paper, a general paper, an apology letter or other written requirement to complete consequences for your violation(s). Your outcome letter will detail the specific page length and required content for any written consequence.

Generally, papers will follow the following format unless otherwise noted in your outcome letter: Typed, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins. The paper must include a cover page with your name, the date, and the title of your paper. The cover page does not count toward the required number of pages for your consequence.

Please keep in mind that only college level work will be accepted as a satisfactory completion of this consequence. In addition to content, proper grammar, correct spelling, sentence structure and cohesive organization of thought will be taken into account. Be advised that your paper may not serve to justify your actions or evaluate the actions of others, and should use appropriate language.

Papers must be turned in by the required date listed in your outcome letter.

Turn in Papers and Apology Letters

Fine Structure

Fine Structure

Fines may be imposed for restitution of property, or may be associated with drug and alcohol policy violations. All monetary fines for alcohol and other drug violations are placed in an alcohol education account that supports classes, assessments, and other educational efforts.

All fines will be applied to the student's bursar account as a "Student life" fee. It is your responsibility as a student to ensure these fees are appropriately paid. The purpose of these consequences are to ensure education, and understanding of the policies that were violated.

In addition to the educational consequences of drug and alcohol policy violations, the following fines are associated with the specific levels of violations:

  • Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and/or Marijuana:
    • First Violation: $100.00
  • Use or Possession of a Controlled Substance Other Than Marijuana:
    • First Violation: $100.00
  • Use, Possession, or Distribution of Alcohol
    • First Violation: $90.00
    • Second Violation: $180.00
    • Third Violation: $200.00


Drug Policy Violations

Drug Policy Violations

  • First Marijuana and/or Drug Paraphernalia Violation: Fine; participation in a Univerisity approved drug education program (including an online module); and two (2) reflection papers.
  • Second Violation: Participation in a Univeristy approved drug assessment and education program, University Housing probation for one (1) year; and/or Level One Probation for a period of one (1) year; and Parental notification, as allowed under FERPA regulations.
  • Third Violation: Separation from the University for one (1) semester (e.g., suspension, or denial of privileges to re-enroll) and Parental notification, as allowed under FERPA regulations. Prior to readmittance, the Student will be required to meet with the Dean of Students (or designee) to discuss and demonstrate readiness to be at the University. The Student may be asked to submit documentation of successful substance abuse treatment. Students readmitted after a Third violation will not be eligible for University Housing.
  • First Possession of a Controlled Substance Other Than Marijuana Violation: Fine; Parental notification, as allowed under FERPA regulations, Level Two Probation for a period of two (2) years; and any additional Consequence as deemed appropriate by the Conduct Officer.
  • Second Violation: Separation from the University for one (1) year (e.g., suspension or denial of privileges to re-enroll) and Parental notification, as allowed under FERPA regulations.