Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Program 2019-20

The following information is provided annually to every employee and student of Missouri State University out of concern for their welfare and in compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act. Policies in this notice are available at the given web addresses and in hard copy at the Offices of the Dean of Students, Plaster Student Union 405, 417-836-5527 and Human Resources, Carrington Hall 315, 417-836-6616.

Statement of philosophy and expectations

Missouri State University is committed to providing a healthy, safe, and learning environment for its students, faculty, staff, and guests. Abuse of alcohol and other drugs disrupts this environment and interferes with the academic and personal development of the student, and personal and professional development of university employees. Standards regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs must support local and state laws. Furthermore, policies should reflect and encourage abstinence and low risk consumption of alcohol as acceptable choices, and should actively discourage heavy and high-risk consumption of alcoholic beverages. Policies can minimize the potential risks to the health and safety of members of the university community, but every member of the university community has a responsibility to prevent the illegal use of drugs or high-risk use of alcohol.

Missouri State University recognizes that university students are adults. The university's role is to assist students with every available resource to help them develop satisfying life-styles and to equip them for a better quality of life; nonetheless, it cannot and should not stand in the place of a parent. University students, as citizens of this community, of this state, and of the nation are, like any other adults, expected to be aware of and to abide by pertinent laws and university regulations. On the presumption that these expectations will be carried out, the university will not provide staff or other resources to monitor social activities sponsored by student organizations. This will be the responsibility of officers and advisors.

Concomitant with the expectations that the students will conduct themselves at all times as responsible adults is the understanding that, as adults, students may be subject to civil liability resulting from violation of the law. Such liability may exist independently of any disciplinary action taken by the university for violation of its regulations (which includes violation of pertinent laws). The university is required by the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 to adopt and implement a program to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. This program, described herein, is distributed annually to every student and employee of the university. Additional copies of the prevention program can be obtained from the Human Resources Office, Carrington Hall 315, or the Dean of Students Office, Plaster Student Union 405.

Alcohol and other drug abuse policy

The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol is prohibited on university property, in conjunction with university activities, and in conjunction with student organization events. This includes violation of the Missouri law prohibiting possession or use of alcohol by persons under 21 years of age and violation of all other state and federal laws regulating use, possession or distribution of alcohol and other drugs. "University activities" include those activities that are planned, promoted, or sponsored by a university department or other university subdivision. "University property" includes university owned or leased land, facilities, vehicles, and equipment. Use of alcohol on university property, at university activities or at the activities of university “sponsored” student organizations, which are recognized student organizations that are advised by a university employee as part of that employee’s job description and funded in some manner through university funds, is permitted only if specifically authorized by the Board of Governors, or its delegate, in accordance with state law.

Also prohibited is 1) the unlawful or unauthorized use and/or possession of narcotics, drugs, drug paraphernalia, and/or other chemicals, 2) the distribution and/or sale of alcoholic beverages, except as officially authorized by the Board of Governors or its delegate, in accord with state law, and 3) the unlawful or unauthorized distribution and/or sale of narcotics, drugs and/or chemicals.

Violations of this policy can result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge for employees and dismissal for students and referral for prosecution. Violations of this policy by students will be considered violation of the university disciplinary code, which may result in dismissal, suspension or imposition of a lesser sanction. Sanctions may also include referrals for appropriate rehabilitation.

Beyond these legal requirements, the university has established policies to reduce the risks associated with the legal use of alcohol at “recognized” student organization activities. Recognized student organizations are those that have completed annual registration with the Office of Student Engagement, are approved by the Student Government Association, are in good standing with the university, but do not meet the criteria to be considered a sponsored student organization. When alcoholic beverages are present at off-campus activities, 1) non-alcoholic beverages and food must be available in adequate supply and in plain view, and 2) the organization must not permit, encourage, or sponsor participation in any drinking games or themes that might encourage the rapid/excessive consumption of alcohol. The complete Social Event Risk Management Policy for Missouri State University Recognized Student Organizations is available online, in the Dean of Students Office or the Office of Student Engagement.

Those employees, students, or visitors who are under 21 years of age and who use, sell or who are in the possession of alcoholic beverages are subject to the penalties of this State's underage drinking laws. Those employees, students, and visitors found illegally possessing, using or selling illegal drugs may be subject to the penalties of federal, state and city drug laws.

Good citizen policy

There may be times when a student’s well-being or safety is in danger due to alcohol or drug use. Recognizing that the fear of sanctions may prevent a student from taking action to report or get assistance for someone whose health may be in jeopardy, the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities at Missouri State University includes a ‘Good Citizen’ policy to assist students in making safer choices.

The welfare of our students is of the highest importance to Missouri State University. There will be times when individual students, both on and off campus, may be in critical need of assistance from medical or other professional personnel. Missouri State University hopes that these students will seek help, and that other students will respond to obtain the help that their fellow student needs. To that end, Missouri State University intends to minimize any hesitation that students might have in obtaining help due to concern that their own behavior might be a violation of university policy.

The University pursues a policy of limited immunity for students who offer help to others in need.  While policy violations cannot be overlooked, the Office of Student Conduct will consider the positive impact of reporting an incident on the welfare of students when determining the appropriate response for policy violations by the reporter of the incident. Any possible negative consequences for the reporter of the problem should be weighed against the possible negative consequences for the student who needs intervention. At a minimum, Missouri State University suggests that a student anonymously report any situation that would put the student in need in touch with professional help.

Examples where the Good Citizen Policy may influence educational consequences are:

  • A student is reluctant to report that she/he has been sexually assaulted because she/he was smoking marijuana just prior to the assault.
  • A student is reluctant to call an ambulance when a friend becomes unconscious following an excessive consumption of alcohol because the reporting student is under the age of 21 and also was consuming alcohol.
  • A member of a student organization is reluctant to report a possible suicide attempt by a prospective member because prospective members have been required to perform activities that may be considered hazing.

In all three of these examples, a student’s physical and/or psychological well-being is in serious jeopardy. It is of vital importance that students act in the best interest of the at risk student so that they can get assistance. In instances like these, a student’s well-being and the positive actions taken by students acting as good citizens will be the primary focus.

Legal sanctions

Local, state and federal laws prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution and sale of alcohol and illicit drugs. Criminal penalties for violation of such laws range from fines up to $20,000 to imprisonment for terms up to and including life.

Health risks

Specific serious health risks are associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol. Some of the major risks are:

Alcohol and other depressants (barbiturates, sedatives, and tranquilizers): Addiction, accidents as a result of impaired ability and judgment, overdose which can result in death, damage to a developing fetus, heart and liver damage.

Marijuana: Addiction, panic reaction, impaired short-term memory, increased risk of lung cancer and emphysema (particularly in cigarette smokers), impairment of driving ability.

Cocaine: Addiction, heart attack, seizures, lung damage, severe depression, paranoia and psychosis. Similar risks are associated with other stimulants such as speed and uppers.

Hallucinogens (acid, LSD, PCP, MDMA, etc.): Unpredictable behavior, emotional instability, violent behavior, organic brain damage in heavy users, convulsions and coma.

Narcotics (Heroin, Demerol, Morphine, Codeine, etc.): Addiction, accidental overdose and risk of hepatitis and HIV/AIDS from contaminated needles.

Inhalants (harmful gases and aerosols, glue, nitrous oxide, etc.): Loss of consciousness, suffocation, damage to the brain and central nervous system, sudden death, nausea and vomiting, nosebleeds, impaired judgment.

Description of university services

Campus-related, self-help groups

Missouri State University Collegiate Recovery Program, Counseling Center, Magers Health and Wellness Center 304, 417-836-5116. The Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) assists students as they live a life in recovery from a Substance Use Disorder. The CRP provides students with support group meetings, alternative sober activities, service work/community engagement, a positive presence on the university campus, as well as a safe and nonjudgmental community.

A student program provides support group meetings and other student services for those in recovery. Reach the Collegiate Recovery Program at 417-836-5116.

Counseling Center

Magers Health and Wellness Center 304, 417-836-5116

The Counseling Center provides counseling services to currently enrolled, for-credit students at Missouri State. Students may receive up to 8 sessions per semester at no additional charge while classes are in session. Individual, couple, group and crisis counseling is available. Faculty and staff members are eligible for consultation and referral services only. Non-student spouses, partners, and/or family members are not eligible for services but may be assisted to locate an outside service provider. Substance abuse assessments and counseling are available for students in need of such services, and referrals for out-patient or in-patient treatment of chemical dependency or other concerns requiring more specialized services may be made when a need becomes apparent.

Partners in Prevention (PIP)/Partners in Environmental Change (PIEC) Campus/Community Coalition

Magers Health and Wellness Center, Room 303F, 417-836-4045

PIP/PIEC is a Missouri State University coalition representing segments of the university and Springfield community who are focused on preventing high-risk drinking among our students. We belong to a statewide coalition comprised of nineteen of Missouri’s colleges and universities that is underwritten by grants from the Missouri Division of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and the US Department of Education. The Missouri State University PIP/PIEC Coalition has as its mission to create a campus and city environment that supports responsible decision making in regard to alcohol by Missouri State University students. Missouri State University PIP/PIEC meets on a monthly basis to plan an annual survey of student alcohol and drug use and its consequences, events that highlight responsible decision making, and materials that educate university students about our community social norms, acute alcohol poisoning, blood alcohol content, safe transportation and other relevant issues.

MSU Office of University Safety/Springfield Police Department, Missouri State University Substation

636 E. Elm St., 417-836-5327

MSU Campus Safety Specialists and SPD Substation officers are available for presentations on laws related to alcohol and illegal drugs as well as personal safety and assault prevention. Other programs may be available upon request.

Student Conduct

Room 405 Plaster Student Union, 417-836-5527

The Office of Student Conduct, housed within the Dean of Students Office, serves to administer and uphold The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities of Missouri State University. More than simply policy enforcement, Student Conduct strives to assist students in understanding the impact of their actions and taking responsibility for those actions by utilizing an educational conduct process. Student learning and development is at the forefront of interactions with conduct officers who encourage students to take ownership for their actions and the resulting consequences. Educational consequences for violations of alcohol and drug violations may include classes, fines that are used for educational efforts, collaborative programs with other offices or entities on campus, and/or a chemical dependency assessment. Students who are concerned about their choices in regard to drugs and/or alcohol are encouraged to seek assistance from Student Conduct as this office maintains close working relationships with campus and community resources that may be able to assist students who need help. The Office of Student Conduct maintains an alcohol and drug education fund that is utilized to support awareness programs offered to the campus community. Student Conduct also serves as a resource to student organizations, university departments, faculty, staff, and students who may be victimized by other students or student organizations.

Student Engagement

Room 101 Plaster Student Union, 417-836-4386

The Office of Student Engagement serves as a resource for student organizations and advisors on the legal requirements and liability for activities where alcohol may be present. The office also sponsors numerous programs throughout the year, such as comedians, concerts, lectures, and late night programming on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and many Saturdays. The office also provides advisement to Fraternity and Sorority Leaders of Social Awareness (FSLSA).

This organization provides constant and continuous education regarding social awareness and take a proactive approach to inform the community about issues regarding alcohol, drugs, mental health, sexual assault prevention, and diversity.

Magers Health and Wellness Center


With a seventeen member medical staff, Magers Health and Wellness Center provides a high quality medical home, caring for illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems and preventive medicine. The Wellness Office offers programs on topics such as wellness, alcohol and other drugs, exercise and fitness, healthy eating and weight management, stress management, sexuality issues and tobacco cessation. Collegiate Recovery Program is designed specifically to support students in recovery.

Program review

The university will conduct a biennial review of this program to determine its effectiveness, make changes where necessary, and ensure that it is consistently enforced.

Revision of the alcohol and other drug abuse prevention program

Action on any of the above recommendations should be followed by a careful review of the Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Program by the staff of the Dean of Students for any necessary revisions. Proposed revisions should then be presented to the President and his Administrative Council for approval.

University Alcohol Policy

Op11.01 University Alcohol Policy

Policy statement

The use and sale of alcoholic beverages in university facilities is governed by this policy and applicable state statute. The campus has been designated as alcohol free, and any proposed use or sale of alcoholic beverages outside of the parameters set forth in this policy must be approved in writing by the president of the university.

It is always against university policy and against the law to sell, furnish or provide alcohol to a person under the age of 21. The possession of alcohol by anyone under 21 years of age in a public place or a place open to the public is illegal. It is illegal for any person to misrepresent his or her own age or the age of any other person to obtain alcoholic beverages. Members of the university community are subject to disciplinary action if they violate this policy, and anyone may be subject to criminal citation for violating the law.

Subject to the following parameters, facility managers are responsible for the approval and supervision of the sale, distribution, and presence of alcohol within their facilities, and the Athletic Department is responsible for and planning of tailgate functions:

Sporting events

The sale of alcohol shall be by a state-licensed vendor that has a contractual relationship with the facility and/or the university.

  1. Great Southern Bank Arena: beer and wine may be sold and consumed by the general public, subject to all applicable laws and regulations. Spirits may only be sold and consumed in the suites, logo seats, and the PRIME Overtime Club, subject to all applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Hammons Field: The Board of Governors has authorized the possession and consumption of beer by individuals 21 years of age, or older at Hammons Field, an off-campus facility. The sale and consumption of alcohol is exclusively controlled by the management of Hammons Field.
  3. Robert W. Plaster Stadium: beer and wine may be sold and consumed by the general public, subject to all applicable laws and regulations. The sale or consumption of spirits is not permitted at the Robert W. Plaster Stadium.

Tailgate functions

The possession and consumption of alcohol is currently associated with home football games at BearFest Village and university property south of Grand (Parking Lots 18, 22 and 24) (“designated lots”) under the auspices of the Athletics Department. BearFest Village shall be defined as the plaza area north of Plaster Stadium, extending west to Strong Hall, to the northern edge of McDonald Arena and east to Carrington Hall. Contingent upon prior approval from the president of the university, on an as-needed basis, alcohol may be consumed in areas other than at BearFest Village and/or the designated lots specified above. BearFest Village will be further distinguished by visible signage during operating hours. Expansion to other intercollegiate sports must be initiated by the Athletics Department and advance planning must include University Safety, Facilities Management, and the Office of Student Engagement. Tailgate functions are exclusively for the enjoyment of fans attending the home athletic event. They may include community groups and student organizations registered according to established guidelines as well as individuals, individual families, or other small groups.

The following policies remain in effect for current and future tailgate functions in designated lots and in BearFest Village:

  • Consumption or possession of open alcoholic beverages, except where it is expressly permitted, is prohibited in all facilities and areas of campus.
  • Consumption or possession of any alcohol except beer, wine, wine coolers and other malt beverages (“approved alcohol”) is prohibited in designated lots or at BearFest Village. Hard liquor is not permitted. Accordingly, individuals who are observed to be in possession of hard liquor will be required to dispose of the liquor or remove it from campus.
  • Approved alcohol may be consumed in designated lots or at BearFest Village, no more than three hours in advance of the start of the sporting event, and all consumption must end at the start of the event.
  • Only persons age 21 and older may possess or consume alcohol.
  • No open containers of alcohol are permitted outside of the scheduled tailgate times and locations. All alcohol transported through public areas on campus must be unopened.
  • No glass bottles or containers are permitted.
  • No kegs or other containers with a capacity greater than one gallon (128 fluid oz.) may be brought into the area.
  • Dispensing alcohol from a common source is prohibited, e.g. coolers of “Jungle Juice” or similarly mixed alcoholic concoctions.
  • The use of beer bongs or other accelerated drinking devices is prohibited.
  • The sale of alcohol in any tailgating areas is prohibited except by a pre-approved campus vendor. The approved campus vendor will sell beer only in the area known as BearFest Village. No alcohol will be made available for purchase on university property south of Grand (Lots 18, 22 and 24).
  • Individuals and organizations may provide or prepare food for personal consumption, or for the purposes of making food available to groups at no cost, but will do so at their own risk. Missouri State University will not be held responsible for any illness occurring as a result of any food provided or prepared by anyone other than university’s dining service provider or a licensed campus food vendor.
  • The sale of food in any tailgating areas is prohibited except by university’s dining service provider or, other licensed campus food vendors and others with the approval of the Director of Athletics.

The Athletics Department may establish additional rules and regulations for tailgating in designated lots and at BearFest Village. Additionally, the Athletics Department will establish a process for reserving space in BearFest Village. Such rules, regulations and processes shall be evaluated on an annual basis, and will be made publicly available.

Additionally, beer and wine may be sold and consumed by the general public, subject to all applicable laws and restrictions, at Hammons Student Center during tailgates associated with home basketball games. The sale of alcohol shall be by a state-licensed vendor that has a contractual relationship with the facility and/or the university. Unlike football tailgates, individuals will not be permitted to bring their own alcohol on the premises for basketball tailgates. Rather, they may only purchase alcohol at the tailgate from an approved vendor. All other policies for alcohol sale and consumption at football tailgates applies to basketball tailgates.

Event and meeting services and special events

There are a number of campus facilities that are frequently available for rental or the hosting of university special events, namely the Darr Agricultural Center, the Plaster Student Union, the Kentwood Hall Crystal Room, the Brick City Galleries, the Carolla Arts Exhibition Center, and the Plaster Free Enterprise Center. Groups and organizations that reserve university facilities for special events through Event and Meeting Services may request that the event catering include the service of beer and wine (no spirits). Such catering may only be performed by the university’s dining services provider. Requests for alcoholic beverage service will only be considered when access to the event is limited and can be carefully monitored for compliance with alcohol beverage laws and ordinances.

Great Southern Bank Arena (non-sporting events)

The university’s contracted food and beverage vendor for Great Southern Bank Arena shall have the opportunity to sell beer, wine, and spirits to the general public, subject to all applicable laws and regulations.

The university’s contracted food and beverage vendor shall be responsible for application and maintenance of appropriate sales certificates as required by the city, state, etc. Only employees of the contracted vendor shall sell/serve beer, wine and spirits and shall be responsible for evaluation and verification of age and sobriety status for any party consuming or purchasing said items.

Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts

Subject to all applicable laws and regulations, the university’s contracted food and beverage vendor and/or vendors with approved picnic licenses for Juanita K. Hammons Hall shall, with the permission of the venue’s management, engage in the sale of beer, wine and spirits to patrons attending an event. Consumption of beer, wine and spirits shall be restricted to the building. Containers (sealed or unsealed) shall not be allowed to leave the permitted spaces or removed from the premises. The university shall not allow sales of beer, wine or spirits at university presented events featuring performances by university students. Typically, beer, wine and spirits service will be available only at events where the venue is leased by an outside promoter or select university presented events. Beer/wine/spirits may be served at private functions.

Residence halls

Residence hall directors and assistant directors are uniquely situated on the university campus. The duties and responsibilities require that directors and assistant directors live in on campus apartments and these are their permanent residences. The 1993 Alcohol Policy Task Force recommended that these staff members be authorized to possess and consume alcohol in their apartments. The policy for the possession and consumption of alcohol by residence hall directors and assistant hall directors should be established by the Director of Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services, who is responsible for the direction and supervision of the Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services program. At a minimum, policies should require that alcohol is never consumed in the presence of a residence hall student or by anyone under the age of 21.

Residents of Monroe Apartments, Sunvilla Tower and Kentwood Hall (and other residence halls approved by the director of Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services and the president) are not prohibited from possession and consumption of alcohol in their apartments if they are above the legal drinking age pursuant to Missouri law.

Revision of the Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Program

Action on any of the above recommendations should be followed by a careful review of the Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Program by the staff of the Dean of Students for any necessary revisions. Proposed revisions should then be presented to the president and his Administrative Council for approval.


September 15, 2006 Board of Governors Resolution which delegated the authority to approve the use of alcoholic beverages in designated university facilities to the president of the university and authorized the president to further delegate to the chancellors of the West Plains and Mountain Groves campuses such authority for those campuses.