Getting Academic Advisement

Your advisor: an excellent resource
You’ll explore academics and set goals with the help of MSU’s professional academic advisors. Advisors are so essential that we assign one to each student as they enter Missouri State.
What do advisors do?
You must meet with your advisor at least once a semester until you have earned 75 credit hours. You’ll discuss your long-term and short-term goals, and evaluate your academic progress. Your advisor can help you:
- Explore academic programs and narrow your choice of majors.
- Find Missouri State University resources, services, policies and procedures.
- Find ways to obtain practical experience, such as internships.
When will I be assigned an advisor?
How do I find my advisor?
Advisors are generally assigned to students shortly after their SOAR session. Find your advisor assignment using these steps:
- Login to
- In the My Student Records channel, select the Advising Notes link. Your advisor’s name and a link to their email address is included on this page.