Cooperating Teacher Responsibilities and Qualifications

Cooperating teachers must complete Missouri Educator Evaluation System (MEES) evaluation training each academic year. 

The cooperating teacher is the key person in the student teaching program. In many cases the success of the teacher candidate is determined by this person. The cooperating teacher is a mentor who models effective teaching practices for the teacher candidate.

Minimum qualifications

Teachers selected as cooperating teachers in placement schools have been recommended by their building administrators as teachers with outstanding ability. They are fully certified teachers holding a bachelor’s degree and preferably a master’s degree. They have had three or more years of teaching experience including at least one in their present district. They teach a minimum of three periods per day in the major subject matter of their teacher candidate.

Roles and responsibilities

The cooperating teacher serves a dual function: teaching students and supervising the work of a teacher candidate. More specifically, the role of the cooperating teacher is summarized in the following list of activities. The cooperating teacher should:

  1. Become familiar with the background of the teacher candidate (through materials sent by the University).
  2. Plan for the initial orientation of the teacher candidate to the classroom and the school.
  3. Create an accepting atmosphere of the teacher candidate among the students, faculty and community.
  4. Acquaint the teacher candidate with instructional materials.
  5. Introduce the teacher candidate to classroom routines and instructional procedures.
  6. Provide opportunities for observation and participation in various classes and extra-curricular activities.
  7. Provide opportunities in which the teacher candidate may gradually develop skill in planning while evaluating procedures currently in place.
  8. Provide opportunities for the teacher candidate to test theory in practice in a variety of classroom situations.
  9. Formulate a plan with the teacher candidate to create a gradual transition from observation to full-time teaching responsibilities. Also, formulate a plan if the co-teaching model is utilized.
  10. Provide for the continuous evaluation of the teacher candidate’s teaching through planned conferences, weekly evaluations, self-evaluation and a formative and summative evaluation.
  11. Guide the teacher candidate in attaining cooperatively established objectives.
  12. Provide opportunities for professional growth through attendance at professional and staff meetings.
  13. Complete the teacher candidate’s formative and summative MEES Teacher Candidate Assessment.  Final student teaching grades should be aligned with formative and summative MEES scores.
  14. Verify that all assessments and other evaluations are completed for each assigned teacher candidate.

Student teaching must be a carefully directed experience based on the unique abilities of the teacher candidate. Conditions for success must be built into the experience.

I. Orientation and Guidance

Have I:

  1. Properly prepared the students in the classroom for the arrival of a teacher candidate?
  2. Had an informal visit with the teacher candidate?
  3. Introduced the teacher candidate to the building personnel?
  4. Acquainted the teacher candidate with school and classroom routines, including AMI (Alternative Methods of Instruction)?
  5. Given the teacher candidate copies of the texts and manuals, seating charts and lists of students’ names?
  6. Provided the teacher candidate access to classroom materials, such as the building handbook, safety procedures and classroom and building schedules?
  7. Acquainted the teacher candidate with files and records?
  8. Provided an opportunity for the teacher candidate to participate in teachers’ meetings and professional development activities?
  9. Provided the teacher candidate an opportunity to share such tasks as room preparation, attendance, and other classroom duties?
  10. Provided a place in the room for the teacher candidate? (If possible, the teacher candidate should have a desk.)
  11. Familiarized the teacher candidate with any diversity considerations in the classroom, building or community? Familiarized yourself with the LGBTQ+ Guide for Internships, Placements, Practicums, Student Teaching and Clinicals?
  12. Provided the teacher candidate access to appropriate district procedures and/or permission forms?

II. Directed Observation and Participation

Have I:

  1. Directed the teacher candidate’s observation for specific purposes?
  2. Provided opportunities for the teacher candidate to participate in classroom tasks?
  3. Observed and provided immediate feedback to the teacher candidate in initial attempts at teaching
  4. Observed when students are beginning to approach the teacher candidate for assistance?
  5. Provided opportunities for the teacher candidate to gradually assume more responsibility in the teaching process provided by modeling best teaching practices?
  6. Provided opportunities for the teacher candidate to observe other teachers?

III. Demonstration

Have I:

  1. Demonstrated research-based teaching methods?
  2. Prepared the teacher candidate for observation of demonstration lessons?
  3. Demonstrated a variety of teaching techniques?
  4. Demonstrated effective techniques of differentiated instruction?
  5. Demonstrated the use of instructional technology?
  6. Demonstrated effective planning procedures?

IV. Planning

Have I:

  1. Acquainted the teacher candidate with curriculum guides, units of study and daily plans, including AMI (Alternative Methods of Instruction)?
  2. Assisted the teacher candidate with setup of email and Learning Managment System (LMS) login credentials.
  3. Acquainted the teacher candidate with the overall objectives and content of the course or courses?
  4. Informed the teacher candidate of the content that the students have studied?
  5. Conferenced with the teacher candidate regarding daily, long-term and unit planning?
  6. Discussed students’ individual needs with the teacher candidate?
  7. Explained to the teacher candidate how various school resource materials may be used in planning?
  8. Conveyed to the teacher candidate that lesson plans should be approved before they are used?
  9. Set a specified time for the teacher candidate to turn in plans before actual teaching?

V. Teaching Techniques

Have I:

  1. Provided opportunities for the teacher candidate to use, and experiment with, a variety of teaching approaches?
  2. Provided opportunities for the teacher candidate to relate techniques to intended learning outcomes?
  3. Conferred with the teacher candidate about instructional strategies and learning activities?
  4. Provided opportunities for the teacher candidate to use differentiated learning techniques in small-group and large-group instruction?

VI. Conferences

Have I:

  1. Discussed school policies with the teacher candidate?
  2. Arranged for frequent formal and informal conferences to provide meaningful feedback and complete necessary paperwork?
  3. Informed the teacher candidate of the conference purpose?

VII. Evaluation

Have I:

  1. Assisted the teacher candidate with the development of reflective self-evaluation strategies?
  2. Familiarized the teacher candidate with observation forms?
  3. Used the observation forms as focal points for the conferences?
  4. Conferred with the teacher candidate about each point on the evaluation form?
  5. Completed evaluations of the teacher candidate?

    Grading for Teacher Candidates