FCTL Awards & Funding

The FCTL Teaching Excellence Award recognizes faculty who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and dedication to student success.

The Teaching & Learning Grants support faculty who are conducting a scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Faculty with accepted proposals will recieve grant funds of up to $3000 to support their work.

FLCs selected by the FCTL receive up to $2000/semester for resources, supplies, etc. to support the community and facilitators receive a $750/semester stipend for planning, facilitating, and evaluating their community.
President's Council on Accessibility Awards
These awards are not offered through the FCTL, however, we value our partnerships, both inside and outside the university and support faculty in inclusive teaching practices that strengthen a sense of belonging and help students thrive in an increasingly diverse world. The FCTL partners with the President's Council on Accessibility and would like to recognize and celebrate the teaching achievements of these faculty.