

A series of images showing people doing hands-on learning
1-credit service-learning
Service-learning can be done as a 1-credit add-on to a course you're already enrolled in. It's like an internship. Learn. Network. Get a grade. Build your resume. 

Close up of hands using an ink pen on a notebook
Integrated service-learning
Service-learning is already built in to many courses at Missouri State. It offers many advantages: Remember coursework better. Get more hands-on experience. Network with the community.

Aerial shot of Missouri State and downtown Springfield
Community opportunities
No matter what version of service-learning you're doing, it always helps to know what options are out there. We keep a list of our premier community partners and information about them. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need service-learning?

Some programs require one or two experiential learning courses to graduate - 1-credit service-learning counts as such. Otherwise, you may not need service-learning to graduate, but it is strongly recommended.

What’s the cost of a 1-credit service-learning course?

$290 (Missouri resident) and $621 (Non-Missouri resident). For more information, visit the office of the Registrar: Detailed Tuition and Fees - Office of the Registrar - Missouri State University

Can I count the 40 hours of service towards my scholarship hours?

16 hours can be counted toward service hours for scholarships, as set by the Financial Aid office: Financial Aid - Missouri State University

Why are there two types of service-learning courses?

The two types of service-learning allow professors and students different options for getting experiential learning. Because it requires direct contact to start, 1-credit service-learning is what we are talking about the most on this webpage. But you can learn more on our "about" page: About - Citizenship and Service-Learning - Missouri State

Do I get a letter grade for the 1-credit service-learning course?

It depends on which department the course is offered through. Some receive letter grades and count toward your GPA while others receive a Pass/No Pass grade and do not count towards your GPA. Your advisor will be able to help you figure this out.

Can I take multiple service-learning courses in a semester?

Yes, as long as you are also enrolled in the corresponding designate courses and are able to complete the 40 hours of service for each 1-credit course you take.

What am I graded on for the service-learning course?

Completion of the 40 hours of service and a reflection assignment given by your professor. They may also take into consideration the performance evaluation from your supervisor at the organization you partner with.

Can I do my service-learning at more than 1 organization?

Yes, but we advise you to limit to no more than 2 so you have enough time to spend at the organizations and get a good overall experience.

Find a service-learning course in Schedule Search

The best way to get started with service-learning is to contact us. But if you want to check out what's on offer, you can use the Course Schedule Search function to view service-learning courses by attribute. The link and some instructions can be found below:

Course Schedule Search