Vision and Mission

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About us

The Office of Inclusive Engagement is charged with developing a University-endorsed inclusive community with service continuity and collaboration as its core. We strive to model inclusive excellence by ensuring our initiatives and services intentionally engage and include the rich diversity of faculty, staff, students, and community partners. 


The Office of Inclusive Engagement at Missouri State University is committed to fostering an inclusive institutional culture, both on campus and within the broader community. Our goal is to cultivate a community that upholds our core values of inclusivity, in alignment with the university’s Long-Range Plan and annual Action Plan(s). Missouri State University also proudly holds the elective Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement.


Missouri State University is committed to fostering inclusive excellence by embracing the diverse backgrounds of our faculty, staff, students, and community. By actively engaging this diversity, we aim to prepare all members of our campus for success while enhancing student achievement in an increasingly global society and economy.

The Value of Four

I. Access, success and inclusion

Expand access, promote success and ensure inclusion by attracting, retaining, and ensuring the success of all students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds.

II. Learning and development

Foster learning and development by integrating diverity into both formal and informal curricula.

III. Campus climate

Cultivate a psychological and behavioral environment that is supportive and inclusive of all students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders.

IV. Institutional leadership and commitment

Strengthen institutional leadership and commitment by integrating inclusive policies, practices, and support systems, while promoting cultural awareness among all university stakeholders.