

Grants for college students

Grants are similar to scholarships in that they provide funding to students without requiring any repayment. Organizations and agencies award grant money to students based on financial need, academic achievements and career goals.

Grant options

Most grants require the completion of the FAFSA to determine your eligibility and level of funding.

Financial need

Many federal and state financial aid programs are available on the basis of financial need. Financial need is defined as the difference between the amount of money you and your family can contribute toward financing your education and the total cost of attendance.

Financial need is evaluated by completing the FAFSA. All need-based aid is awarded according to a formula established by the federal government, which considers income, assets and other measures of financial strength.

Federal grant funding

The federal government offers grant opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students:

State grant funding

The State of Missouri has multiple scholarship and grant opportunities for students who are working on an undergraduate degree and are permanent residents of Missouri.

Below is a list of state funding that is applicable to students attending Missouri State University. More information about these grant programs is available on the Missouri Department of Higher Education’s website.

Institutional grant funding

In partnership with great on- and off-campus partners, Missouri State University is pleased to offer two degree completion grants for students who are nearing graduation, but whose circumstances have resulted in an outstanding balance that prevents them from registering for a future semester and/or graduating. These grants, the Senior Degree Completion Grant (SDCG) and the MSU Degree Completion Assistance Fund (DCAF) are administered by the Office of Student Financial Aid and can be received throughout the academic year.

Potential grant applicants are encouraged to review the awarding policies online and complete a downloadable application for consideration. Though not required, we suggest applicants then make an appointment to meet with a member of the Financial Aid staff to discuss their grant eligibility as well as to learn about other possible sources of funding.

Tips for success

  • Your enrollment at the Change of Schedule Period will determine your eligibility for financial aid.
  • If you drop courses, you may have to repay all or part of your federal grants.
  • Complete the FAFSA soon after it becomes available to be considered for maximum aid.