Service-learning project plan

Service-learning is a teaching method used to connect academic material to engagement in the community, supporting Missouri State's mission in public affairs and the current long-range plan.

It is experiential learning and considered a high-impact practice – which refers to educational methods that are often associated with recruitment and retention of students. 

The project plan and plan renewal process acts as a memorandum of understanding between faculty, students and community partners to make sure there are clear paths of coorindation and transparent communication.

The Integrated Service-Learning (ISL) Project Plan will need to be created for new courses that seek the ISL attribute or current courses that seek to retain the attribute. See the forms below to get started. 

Example: BMS 300
Example: Fall, Spring, Summer, Intersession
Select your course type (new or renewal)*
Choose if you are starting a new service-learning course or continuing one you already teach
Describe the project to be completed for/with your community partner by the end of the semester. What is the deliverable/experience/service-learning, etc.?
Select the service-learning student learning outcome(s) that best fit your course objectives:
Service-learning student learning outcome(s)*
Select the service-learning student learning outcome(s) that best fit your course objectives
Community partner plan
Tell us if you have community partners in mind or if you need help selecting them.
How will the instructor and community partners support the student learning outcomes in the course/project.
Example: Springfield Community Gardens, The Fairbanks, etc.
Course syllabus agreement
See the statement below and agree to include in your syllabus
ISL Syllabus Agreement: This is an Integrated Service-Learning course. Students will apply classroom content in real-world settings in collaboration with a community partner. Meaningful community experiences integrated with instruction and reflection enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.
Service-learning course/project agreement*
If offered, would you value or participate in the following?
Type what resources you wish to see the service-learning team at Missouri State offer