The Belong-B-Que is Student Support & Opportunity Services' major event during Welcome
Weekend. A combination cookout, information fair, and performance. The Belong-B-Que
showcases the wide range of student groups and resources here at Missouri State University.
The Scholarship Program is an experience where scholars and award recipients participate
in the self-exploration and critical discourse as well as co-curricular engagement
in programs and community service opportunities. Sponsored by the offices housed in
the Student Support & Opportunity Services unit.
The Student Opportunity Fund provides financial support to students or student organizations
who are aiming to promote the 3 pillars of the Public Affairs mission at Missouri
State University. Funding can be allocated for programs, conference travel or other
initiatives students can use to make MSU a more just community.
Hosted annually in the Fall semester, the Annual Networking & Welcome Reception brings
together faculty, staff, students, and community partners from across the Missouri
State University and Greater Springfield Communities to network, build community,
and ensure a sustained commitment to student success.
Held every December and May, this celebration honors graduates who have had a lasting
impact on Student Support & Opportunity Services, International Programs, the Disability
Resource Center, our offices, Missouri State University and the Springfield Community.