Harassment and Discrimination Prevention
It is the role of the entire Missouri State University community to create and maintain an environment that is free of harassment and discrimination. Together we will develop a supportive learning environment inclusive to all its members and the community.
Harassment + Discrimination = Everyone's Responsibility
If you feel harassed:
Review your responsibilities as a member of the Missouri State University community.
Let the other party know that the behavior is offensive and unacceptable. Say NO. Make it clear.
Keep a record of dates, place, times, and witnesses of the harassing behavior.
Be aware of Missouri State University's Non-Discrimination Policy Statement.
Seek advice and be informed about the resolution options available to you.
See What to Expect for more detailed information.
Assist in creating an environment that is free of all forms of harassment by following the guidelines:
Everyone is responsible for:
Demonstrating Respect: Treating all persons with civility, while understanding that tolerating an idea is not the same as supporting it. Ultimately, it is demonstrating mutual respect that will eliminate harassment and discrimination, rather than law and policy.
Paying Attention: Are you aware of how your words or actions impact your colleagues, co-workers, classmates, and/or students?
- Communicating: Respectful productive communication is a highly effective prevention tool.
- Acting Early: Inappropriate behavior, if unaddressed, can become harassment.
- Knowing Where to Go for Assistance: Seek assistance for resolving concerns from the Office for Institutional Compliance, the Office of Human Resources, and the Office for Student Conduct.
Supervisors are responsible for:
- Ensuring that their subordinates are advised of the non-discrimination policy. The Office for Institutional Compliance strongly suggests that this policy periodically be discussed during staff meetings.
- Proactively preventing discrimination and/or harassment on campus and, in those instances where discrimination or harassment is observed by or reported to a University official, that official must refer the case to the Office for Institutional Compliance within 3 business days.