CORE 42 at MSU
CORE 42 is an alternative to the institution’s general education program.
Created by Missouri Senate Bill 997, Sections 178.785-789 RSMo.
Designed to be transferable between all Missouri public colleges and universities.
Your initial placement into either CORE 42 or Missouri State general education requirements will be determined by your status when you first enroll at Missouri State as a degree-seeking student. You will initially be placed into CORE 42 if you meet both of these criteria.
- Your first enrollment at Missouri State as a degree-seeking student is spring 2019 or later.
- You enter Missouri State having earned 12 or more hours of transferable credit at a CORE 42 participating institution after you graduated from high school*.
If you do not meet these criteria, you will initially be placed under Missouri State general education requirements.
This is your initial placement. You may request to change from Missouri State general education to CORE 42 or vice versa by following the procedures described below. You should consult with your advisor to determine which serves you best.
*Credit earned through dual credit while in high school is not a factor in determining initial placement; however, dual credit is applicable to CORE 42 and Missouri State general education requirements just as if it were earned through regular enrollment.
Yes. You just need to fill out the Change from CORE 42 to MSU Gen Ed form to request such a change.
There is an appeal process for such consideration. To have your request considered, please fill out the Change from MSU Gen Ed to CORE 42 form.
Please see the “Core 42 Versus General Education Comparison” and “How to Generate an Administrative Audit” portions of the Degree Works user’s guides. This portion will be in the final section of the guide and can be easily found using the guide’s table of contents. This will instruct you on how to generate a degree audit that allows for comparison between Core 42 and general education.
MOTR courses are state created “course number” like labels that are used to group similar courses together within a category. For MSU courses that are part of the CORE 42 program, the MOTR number will be listed within the course description of the class. For example, the CORE 42 MOTR course number for Composition I courses is MOTR ENGL 100. MSU’s course within that category is ENG 110.
A student’s Transfer Credit Evaluation (available through My Missouri State) includes an indicator whether the course is a CORE 42 course as shown below. NOTE: This starts with students admitted spring 2019 or later. Students with transfer work evaluated prior to the beginning of CORE 42 in fall 2018 will not have this information available.
There are three different methods through which a course may qualify to apply to the Core 42 portion of your degree audit which are identified below. Such course are subject to any program restrictions about how courses used in a major/minor may be shared with general education/Core 42.
- Course is an approved MSU Core 42 course.
- Course is an approved Core 42 course at another institution and applies no matter what the MSU equivalency is for the course.
- Course is equivalent to a MSU Core 42 course in Core 42 even though it is not an official
core 42 course. This includes items such as:
- Advanced placement credit
- International Baccalaureate credit
- CLEP credit
- Out of state/private or other non-Core 42 participating institution credit
The transfer equivalencies for some courses at other institutions were changed upon implementation of CORE 42. If you have credit for such a course but the previous equivalency applies to your degree program, you may request a change for that course by sending an email to
“@@” means any course and “with Attribute M017” relates to an attribute (like a label) used in our computer system that is assigned to CORE 42 MOTR courses. Attributes are very short so we cannot make them as long as the MOTR course number it applies towards. To assist you in understanding these attributes, there is an attribute crosswalk you can use to understand the connection between an attribute and the corresponding MOTR course number. Additionally, the University’s CORE 42 worksheet (accessible version of CORE 42 worksheet) displays both attribute and MOTR course information.
If you took a course at another institution that does not have a specific MSU equivalency but that you believe should apply to MSU general education, then you may request a change to your evaluation through the Request Transfer Credit Reevaluation link on the Registration tab of My Missouri State under the My Transfer Credit heading.
Courses that do not have the CORE 42 designation may not be used to apply to the CORE 42 requirement. Missouri State courses that are approved for CORE 42 are identified with this symbol in the Missouri State catalog.
You can use Missouri State University’s Transfer Equivalency Guide to find that information. To find CORE 42 information, do the following:
- Select your University or College.
- Select “All” courses.
- Check the “Display CORE 42 MOTR Courses Only” check box.
- Look at your degree to find the attributes listed for the part of CORE 42 in which you wish to complete a course. In the below example, we see courses with an attribute of M017 meet this category.
- Use the attribute crosswalk or MSU CORE 42 worksheet (accessible version of CORE 42 worksheet) to see what MOTR course number is related to the attribute. In this example, we see attribute M017 represents MOTR course number ENGL 100.
- Use the University’s Transfer Equivalency Search to search for the courses that fall under MOTR ENGL 100. To do this, instead of selecting a MSU course code and course number, select the desired MOTR course number from the “CORE 42 MOTR Course” drop-down menu.
None. Students who earn an Associate of Arts degree (or Associate of Arts in Teaching), earn a Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution, have transcripted completion of a Missouri 42 hour transfer block, or who have transcripted completion of general education at another Missouri public institution will have any missing MSU general education or CORE 42 requirements waived. NOTE: Such a waiver affects only general education requirements. If a major or minor requires a general education course as a program requirement, it would not be waived for the program and would need to be completed.
It is recommended to start with your academic advisor. If additional assistance is needed, you can email your question to A team of CORE 42-trained transfer advisors will monitor this email account and work with you to get the information needed to answer your question.
Below is a list of additional resources provided by the state of Missouri related to CORE 42.
Missouri Department of Higher Education CORE 42 Website
Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development Core 42 Website
State of Missouri CORE 42 Course Transfer Tracker
NOTE: At this time, we would encourage you to use this resource with caution. The state’s CORE 42 Course Transfer Tracker does not contain MOTR course number references and in some cases, contains information that might confuse a student to believe a course is not transferable to Missouri State when the course really does transfer as it does not handle our GEC general education related equivalencies. Additionally, navigation problems will occur if the user clicks the “back” button while using this website that will cause information to disappear.