Four Areas of General Education

foundations: 14-16 hours; natural world: 7-9 hours; human cultures: 12 hours; public affairs: 12 hours

General Education Structure

The General Education structure is divided into four areas:

foundations 14-16 hours

1. Foundations (14–16 hours)

This area of the General Education Program prepares students for academic work at the university.

natural world 7-9 hours

2. Breadth of Knowledge—Natural World (7–9 hours)

This area of the General Education Program requires students to gain an experience in both the Life and Physical Sciences and in one of the categories the student must take a lab.

  • Life Sciences (3-4 hours), a study of the Life Sciences through a course in general biology or human biology
  • Physical Sciences (3-5 hours), a study of the Physical Sciences through a course in Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, Geography, or Physics

human cultures 12 hours

3. Breadth of Knowledge—Human Cultures (12 hours)

This area of the General Education Program requires students to gain an experience in the Humanities, Arts, and Social/Behavioral Sciences.

  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (2 courses; 6 hours), a study of human culture through social and behavioral sciences
  • Humanities (3 hours), a study of human culture through Film, History, Literature, and Philosophy
  • Arts (3 hours), a study of human culture through Art, Dance, Creative Writing, Music, and Theater

public affairs 12 hours

4. Breadth of Knowledge—Public Affairs (12 hours)

This area of the General Education Program requires students to gain an experience in Public Affairs through courses in cultural competence, ethical leadership, and community engagement.


Quantitative Literacy

  • MTH 130 Contemporary Mathematics
  • MTH 134 Algebraic Reasoning and Modeling (3)
  • MTH 136 Pre-Calculus 1 (3)
  • MTH 137 Pre-Calculus 2 (3)
  • MTH 138 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
  • MTH 261 Analytical Geometry & Calculus
  • MTH 287 Computational Calculus with Analytical Geometry

Written Communication & Integrative and Applied Learning

  • AGR 320 Writing II-Writing in the Applied Sciences
  • ENG 210 Writing II-Writing Across the Disciplines
  • ENG 221 Writing II-Writing for the Professions
  • ENG 310 Writing II-Writing for Graduate and Professional Schools
  • ENG 321 Writing II-Beginning Technical Writing
  • GLG 358 Writing II-Reporting Geological Information
  • HST 210 Writing II-Historical Inquiry

Life Sciences

  • BIO 100 Biological Sciences for Educators (lab)
  • BIO 101 Biology in Your World
  • BIO 111 Understanding Biological Systems Through Inquiry (lab)
  • BIO 121 General Biology I (lab)
  • BMS 100 Essentials in Human Biology
  • BMS 101 Essentials in Human Biology Laboratory (lab)
  • BMS 110 Introduction in Human Biology
  • BMS 111 Introduction to Human Biology Laboratory (lab)
  • GLG 115 Life of the Past

Physical Sciences

  • AST 113 Modern Astronomy
  • AST 114 Survey of Astronomy
  • AST 115 Basic Astronomy (lab)
  • CHM 107 Chemistry for the Citizen
  • CHM 108 Chemistry for the Citizen Lab
  • CHM 116 Fundamentals of Chemistry
  • CHM 117 Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab
  • CHM 160 General Chemistry
  • CHM 161 General Chemistry Laboratory (lab)
  • GLG 110 Principles of Geology (lab)
  • GLG 171 Environmental Geology
  • GRY 135 Principles of Weather & Climate (lab)
  • GRY 142 Introductory Physical Geography (lab)
  • PHY 100 Survey of Physics (lab)
  • PHY 101 Physics by Inquiry for Educators (lab)
  • PHY 123 Introduction to Physics I (lab)
  • PHY 203 Foundations of Physics I (lab)

Social & Behavioral Sciences

  • AGR 100 Food Security
  • ANT 125 Exploring Our Human Ancestry
  • CFD 155 Principles of Human Development
  • CFD 163 Relationships in Today's Families
  • CRM 220 Criminology
  • DTN 130 Social and Behavioral Applications of Human Nutrition
  • ECO 155 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ECO 165 Principles of Microeconomics
  • GRY 108 Principles of Sustainability
  • MED 120 Mass Media & Society
  • PSY 121 Introductory Psychology
  • REL 131 Religion in America
  • SOC 150 Introduction to Society


The Arts

U.S. & Missouri Constitutions/American History & Institutions

  • HST 121 Survey US History to 1877
  • HST 122 Survey US History since 1877
  • PLS 101 American Democracy & Citizenship

Cultural Competence

  • ANT 100 World Cultures
  • COM 260 Communicating with Cultural Competence
  • ENG 289 Literature, Culture, Conflict
  • GER 180 Successful Aging
  • GRY 100 World Regional Geography
  • IDS 297 International Culture & Study Abroad
  • LLT 180 From Hero to Superhero
  • MCL 100 Language and Culture in Global Context
  • MTH 121 Multicultural Views of History & Mathematics
  • REL 100 Introduction to Religion
  • REL 110 World Religions
  • SWK 219 Human Diversity

Public Issues

  • CRM 210 Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System
  • ECO 101 Economics of Social Issues
  • EDC 249 Schooling in America
  • ENG 201 Public Issues in Popular Culture
  • ENG 222 Writing for Social Change
  • GEO 200 Exploring Our Digital Earth
  • ITC 200 Critical & Creative Thinking Using Info Tech
  • KIN 210 Healthy Lifestyles: Preventive Approaches
  • KIN 286 Ethics & Diversity in American Sport
  • PHI 105 Critical Thinking
  • PHI 115 Ethics & Contemporary Issues
  • PLN 100 Introduction to Urban Studies
  • SOC 152 Social Problems in the CommunityF16 (F16 - Public Issues General Education Fall 2016 and after)