My Payment Plan

Op8.12 My Payment Plan (Deferred Payment)


Missouri State University allows students, staff and faculty in good financial standing to make charges on their accounts for required student fees, residence hall charges, Magers Health and Wellness Center charges, parking permits and fines, bookstore charges, library fines and other charges and pay for those charges in installments. Past due amounts will prevent students, staff and faculty from continuing in the My Payment Plan for subsequent semesters.

Repayment terms

Charges incurred for and during the Fall semester may be paid in three monthly installments beginning September 10 and ending November 10. Spring semester may be paid in three installments beginning February 10 and ending April 10. Two monthly installments may be made for Summer charges, beginning July 10 and ending August 10. When utilizing the My Payment Plan, the account is subject to finance charges. See “My Payment Plan cost example” for details. To avoid finance charges, your monthly statement balance must be paid in full.

Finance charges

If all charges for the semester are not paid by the tenth day after the month in which the semester begins, a finance charge will be applied at a monthly periodic rate of 1% to the remaining balance. The finance charge is at a fixed rate for the enrolled semester. Missouri State University further retains the right to modify, amend or change the finance charge rate in this agreement for subsequent semesters. This is an annual percentage rate of 12.68%. The annual percentage rate is the cost of your credit as a yearly rate. Finance charges will be added to the unpaid balance of your account.

Amount financed

Charges included in My Payment Plan are based on the semester for or during which they are incurred, including tuition and fees, residence hall charges, bookstore charges, parking permits and fines and any other charge incurred on the student's account. Students will electronically receive monthly account statements reflecting all activity during the month and the current month ending balance on the account. Students may also log in to My Missouri State, use the Discover tool from the main menu and search "Billing", select University Account - Billing, then select Statement and Payment Portal.

Minimum payments

The monthly minimum payment amount is calculated by dividing the total charges due at the beginning of the semester by the number of scheduled payment dates in the semester and adding the finance charge. The total amount due and the minimum monthly payment will vary depending upon the student's enrollment, the residence hall where the student lives, the amount of financial aid and the amount of other charges on the student's account. Monthly minimum payment amounts can change based on activity on the student's account.

Charges incurred between semester payment plans are due and payable when incurred. A finance charge will be assessed on the next statement date after the charge is first billed. The finance charge will be determined by applying a monthly periodic rate of 1% to the unpaid balance.

Failure to pay

Since the minimum payment option is based on a semester's charges and billing dates, all accounts must be paid in full by the end of that semester's plan. Any amounts remaining unpaid at the end of a semester will be billed in full and must be paid in full immediately.

Past due amounts will prevent a student, staff or faculty from registering for the next semester, continuing in the My Payment Plan for subsequent semesters or from receiving diplomas or transcripts. Failure to pay may result in the student being reported to a credit service.

If a student, staff or faculty desires to register for the next semester during the sequenced registration period and prior to the final payment due date, the outstanding balance must be paid prior to registration.


Students, staff or faculty must pay the balance of the account in full if the monthly payments become past due. They agree to pay costs actually incurred by the university in collecting the account, including fees paid to collection agencies, reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs. They further agree that the venue for any action to collect the account will be in the Circuit Court of Greene County, Missouri. If the student, staff or faculty files for bankruptcy, they may still be required to pay back the balance due on the account.

Change in terms

Missouri State University retains the right to change, modify, suspend, interpret or cancel in whole or in part any of its published or unpublished policies or practices without advance notice. Missouri State University further retains the right to modify, amend or change this agreement in subsequent semesters.

Length of participation

Once a student, staff or faculty signs up to participate in My Payment Plan, he/she will be deemed to be a participant in My Payment Plan during their entire tenure at Missouri State University unless removed from the plan for non-payment of fees. It is understood that acceptance of this agreement does not entitle students, staff or faculty to full participation in My Payment Plan if financial services determines them to be ineligible. In any event, the finance charges will continue to accrue.

My Payment Plan applies to all semesters - fall, spring and summer.

Alternatives To My Payment Plan (Private Education Loans)

Missouri State University’s financial aid website provides alternatives to My Payment Plan that a student may qualify for through a program under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965(20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.)

Other terms

Under the law, you have the right to pay off in advance the full amount due.

Your billing rights

This notice contains important information about your rights and the university's responsibilities under the Fair Credit Billing Act.

Notify the university in case of Errors or Questions about your bill

If you think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction on your bill, write to the university at the address listed on your bill as soon as possible. We must hear from you no longer than 60 days after the first bill was sent on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone the university, but doing so will not preserve your rights.

In your letter, provide the following information:

  • Your name and account number,
  • The dollar amount of the suspected error,
  • Describe the error and explain, if possible, why you believe there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item in question.

You do not have to pay any questioned amount during the investigation process, but you still are obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. During the investigation, the university cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question.

Additional Information: For additional information, please contact the financial services office, Carrington Hall room 113, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65897, or call 417-836-5635.

My Payment Plan cost example

The total amount you will pay for the payment plan will vary depending upon when you start to repay and charges you make throughout the semester, which will add to the balance of your account. This example provides estimates based upon repayment options available to you while enrolled in school and eligible for the payment plan. This is an example for Fall or Spring Semester.

The My Payment Plan finance charge rate is 1% per month for the current semester balance.

Example only:





Installment 1



Installment 2




Installment 3




Total paid




The finance charge is the dollar amount the credit will cost you.

Total of Payments is the amount you will have paid when you have made all scheduled payments.


I certify that the information I have provided is accurate and acknowledge that falsified information may result in suspension from Missouri State University with loss of fees. I understand and agree that by accepting this Agreement I am agreeing to all terms of the My Payment Plan set forth herein, including, without limitation, the payment of attorney's fees and costs attributable to collection of any default in payment of sums due and owing by me pursuant to the terms of the My Payment Plan. UNDER THE LAW YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO RESCIND THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN THREE BUSINESS DAYS OF ACCEPTANCE, BUT YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY OFF IN ADVANCE THE FULL AMOUNT DUE. I also agree that I am subject to the university's policies, rules and requirements applicable to students including, but not limited to, those stated in the university catalogs, class schedules and on the university website. Policies include, but are not limited to, computer use and information technology policies, Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities and Academic Integrity Policies.