
All members are appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Missouri Senate, to serve six-year terms.

At least one but not more than two voting members shall be appointed from each congressional district in Missouri.

A non-voting member, a current Missouri State University student, also sits on the Board.

Current members

Lynn Parman

Lynn Parman

Sixth District
1-2-20 to 1-1-25

Craig Frazier

Tim Francka

Vice Chair
Fourth District
2-23-23 to 1-1-29

no photo image


First District

Travis Freeman

Travis Freeman

Second District
9-1-23 to 1-1-29

Ann Kampeter

Ann Kampeter

Third District
1-3-22 to 1-1-27

Anson Elliott

Anson Elliott

Fourth District
1-3-22 to 1-1-27

Christopher Waters

Christopher Waters

Fifth District
1-2-20 to 1-1-25

Vacant position

Jeff Schrag 

Seventh District
2-23-23 to 1-1-25

Melissa Gourley

Melissa Gourley

Eighth District
9-1-23 to 1-1-29

no picture



Student member