October 19, 2018

OCTOBER 19, 2018 1:00 PM

1. Roll Call
Present - Ms. Carrie Tergin, Chair
Ms. Amelia Counts, Governor
Mr. Craig Frazier, Governor
Mr. Gabriel E. Gore, Governor
Ms. Beverly Miller, Governor
Mr. William Miller, Student Governor
Mr. Kendall Seal, Governor
Ms. Carol Silvey, Governor
Mr. Greg Spears, Governor 

Absent - Ms. Virginia Fry, Governor

Also Present - Clifton M. Smart III, President
Donna Christian, Director of Internal Audit and Compliance
Ryan DeBoef, Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations
Rachael Dockery, General Counsel
Brent Dunn, Vice President for University Advancement
Frank Einhellig, Provost
Stephen Foucart, Chief Financial Officer
Shirley Lawler, Chancellor of the West Plains Campus
Victor Matthews, Dean of the College of Humanities and Public Affairs
Kyle Moats, Director of Athletics
Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services
Jeff Morrissey, Chief Information Officer
Wes Pratt, Chief Diversity Officer and Assistant to the President
Suzanne Shaw, Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Dee Siscoe, Vice President for Student Affairs
Kristan Gochenauer, Secretary of the Board

2.    Presiding – The presiding officer for the meeting was Ms. Carrie Tergin, Chair of the Board of Governors.  She called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. in the Traywick Parliamentary Room in the Plaster Student Union on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.  She welcomed everyone to Homecoming, noting how great it is to be on campus and what an enjoyable lunch the Board had with students at the Blair-Shannon dining hall earlier today. 

3.    Approval of Minutes – Ms. Tergin mentioned that the first item of business was the approval of the minutes for the open and closed meetings of August 9-10, 2018. Mr. Craig Frazier so moved, receiving the second from Mr. Gregory Spears.
Motion passed 8-0.

4.    Consent Agenda – Ms. Tergin noted that the next item of business on the agenda was the approval of the Consent Agenda for this meeting.  The items included in the Consent Agenda are:

Approval of FY2018/2019 Employment Agreements for Assistant Coaches and Administrators (Human Resources No. 1599-18).

West Plains Campus
Approval of Actions Concerning West Plains Campus Academic Employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 425-18).

Approval of Actions Concerning West Plains Campus Non-Academic Employees (West Plains Campus Personnel No. 426-18).

Approval of Purchasing Activity Report (West Plains Purchasing Activity Report No. 36-18).

Procurement and Financial
Approval of Procurement Activity Report for the Period July 25, 2018, through October 3, 2018 (Purchasing Activity Report No. 470-18).

Approval to Amend G8.04 Investment Policy (Board Policies No. 118-18).

Facilities and Equipment
Approval of Activity Report for the Months of July 2018 and August 2018 (Activity Report No. 304-18).

Approval of Consultant and Authority to Enter into an Agreement for Professional Services in Conjunction with the Phase II Renovation of Woods House (Agreement No. 416-18). 

Approval of Bids and Award of a Contract for the Lobby Improvements at Hammons House (Bids & Quotations No. 1564-18).

Approval of Consultant and Authority to Enter into an Agreement for Professional Services in Conjunction with the Multi-Purpose Addition at Greenwood Laboratory School (Agreement No. 417-18). 

Approval of Proposal and Award of a Contract for the Seating Modifications at Allison South Stadium and Allison Recreation Field (Agreement No. 418-18).

Human Resources Items
Approval of Actions Concerning Academic Employees (Human Resources No. 1600-18).

Approval of Actions Concerning Non-Academic Employees (Human Resources No. 1601-18).

Ms. Beverly Miller made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, receiving a second from Ms. Amelia Counts.

Motion passed 8-0.

5.    Making Our Missouri Statement Moment – Debate Team – Dr. Frank Einhellig, Provost, introduced Dr. Eric Morris, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator for the MSAS in Applied Communications. Dr. Morris introduced the debate team members in attendance to include: Mr. Joe Hamaker, Ms. Mikayla Dickerson, Ms. Kylee Evans, Mr. Gabe Morrison, Mr. Michael Waggoner, Ms. Abby Chen and Ms. Genevieve Patterson.  Dr. Morris shared the history and participation expectations of the debate team. Ms. Dickerson then shared that she decided to attend Missouri State because of the debate team and Mr. Hamaker stated that the debate team has made him a better person, more open minded and a better scholar.   

6.    Committee Reports:
A.    Mr. Spears shared that the Risk Management and Audit Committee met on October 4, 2018. In closed session, the committee reviewed five reports, which have been published on the University’s website.  

B.    Mr. Frazier gave an overview of the Finance and Facilities Committee meeting.  The meeting included a discussion on the University’s employee medical insurance plan with an expected vote to recommend during today’s regular meeting. The committee also discussed a compensation increase package of one percent plus $600 for all full-time faculty and staff.  The Board will vote on this recommendation during today’s regular meeting.  Administration is also recommending modification to the FY2019 budget to account for state appropriation expectations and the before mentioned compensation increase as well as an anticipated reduction in fees and revenue secondary to a decline in credit hours. The Board will vote on this recommendation during today’s regular meeting. 

C.    Ms. Miller discussed the Programs and Planning Committee meeting.  Dr. Einhellig presented on the University’s key performance indicators (KPI) and a majority of the meeting was spent discussing the University’s progress toward the measurable goals established for the current long-range plan. The committee also received a brief update on the citizen scholar award selections.  Six students were selected as citizen scholars and will be recognized at the December Board of Governors meeting.

7.    Presidents Report – President Clif Smart welcomed everyone to Homecoming weekend at Missouri State and reminded attendees that the Wall of Fame Ceremony is taking place following the Board meeting. He then recommended approval for naming the McQueary College of Health and Human Services (Gift No. 173-18).  Ms. Carol Silvey and Mr. Kendall Seal made a motion and a second, respectively. 

    Motion passed 8-0.

    President Smart then recommended approval to award the Bronze Bear award to Mr. Matthew Blunt (Award No. 83-18).  Ms. Silvey made a motion to approve, receiving a second from Mr. Frazier.

    Motion passed 8-0.

President Smart recommended approval to award the Government Excellence award to Senator Jay Wasson (Award No. 84-18).  Mr. Frazier made a motion to approve, receiving a second from Ms. Counts.

Motion passed 8-0.

President Smart then recommended approval of 2019 legislative priorities (Miscellaneous No. 34-18).  Discussion ensued regarding the priorities for the upcoming year.  Mr. Gabriel Gore made a motion to approve, with a second received from Ms. Counts. 

Motion passed 8-0.

President Smart then showed the newest What’s New at MSU video for the Board and meeting attendees. 

8.    West Plains – Dr. Shirley Lawler, Chancellor of the West Plains campus, reported that in September Hass-Darr Hall opened and the Nursing Program received continued accredited from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.  She shared that Faculty Senate passed a resolution on the Faculty Teaching Load.  Secondary to the resolution, she expects to present changes to the Faculty Handbook at the February 2019 Board of Governors meeting.

Dr. Lawler recommended approval of academic program for the Technical Certificate in Medical Assisting (West Plains Curriculum No. 87-18).  Mr. Spears made a motion, receiving a second from Ms. Silvey. 

Motion passed 8-0.

Dr. Lawler then recommended approval of academic program for the Certificate in Advanced Industrial Maintenance (West Plains Curriculum No. 88-18).  A motion was made by Ms. Silvey, receiving a second from Ms. Counts.  

Motion passed 8-0.

9.    Academic Affairs:
A.    Faculty Senate Report – Dr. Tom Dicke, Faculty Senate Chair, reported on faculty activities from the past year, which included contributions in teaching, research and service.  He noted that the most important concerns among faculty this year revolve around compensation.  

B.    Report from the Provost – Dr. Einhellig opened with a few highlights of recent accomplishments.  The Department of Hospitality Leadership was recently ranked 5th and 6th in online programs in the Nation. Just yesterday notification was received that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Non-Land Grant Colleges awarded a grant to four faculty, three from the Department of Agriculture and one from the College of Natural and Applied Sciences (serving as Co-principal Investigators).  These are great examples of recognition and the promotion of research at the University.

Dr. Einhellig then provided an update of the recent HLC review for off-campus instructional locations.  We have twelve off-campus sights.  Of these, three were selected to include Fairfax, Virginia; Cassville, Missouri; and Brazil.   These will take place starting in November 2019. Dr. Einhellig then discussed orientations for new faculty and administrators as well as the hiring agenda for 2019-2020.  Orientation took place in August for 68 new faculty and 30 new per course. In addition, there were 14 administrative hires. Administrators are experiencing a different type of orientation, which involves monthly meetings on specific leadership and development topics. Dr. Einhellig shared the recent advertisement in the Chronicle of Higher Education for 45 open positions that need to be filled for 2019-2020.  In addition, the University is also in the process of two Dean searches for the College of Business and College of Arts and Letters. 

Dr. Einhellig then introduced Dr. Kevin Evans, Professor in Geography, Geology and Planning and Chair of the 15th annual Public Affairs Conference.  This year’s theme was Unity in Community.  Dr. Evans reported the conference went well with over 5,775 participants; an 18% increase from the previous spring.  Of those participants, 94% rated the conference as good and/or great.  

10.    Student Affairs:
A.    Report from the Student Body President – Mr. Isaiah Villarreal, Student Body President, reported on the implementation of the bike share program, which students are voting on this week.  He then shared that Senate Chamber has approved a new Director of Health and Wellness cabinet position, which will encompass mental, physical and spiritual health.  Mr. Villarreal stated that the Student Government Association continues to serve the needs of the students.

11.    Staff Senate Report – Mr. Jon Lee, Chairperson of the Staff Senate, reported that there are currently two issues of concern among the staff.  These are the medical plan updates and mid-year compensation increases.  Staff are thankful for the inclusion in meetings to include the Town Hall that President Smart conducted.  Staff agree that both the medical plan options and raise represent affordable solutions and strongly approve both.  Mr. Lee then reported that Staff Senate will be participating in Homecoming activities at BearFest Village and hope to have the opportunity to meet and greet folks there.

12.    Facilities and Equipment – Mr. Matt Morris, Vice President for Administrative Services, recommended the approval of real estate purchase and sale agreement for certain buildings in the area commonly knowing as Brick City, located in Springfield, Missouri (Land No. 118-18).  The purchase and sale agreement include buildings commonly known as Building 1, which is located at 327 W. Mill Street; Building 3, which is located at 305 W. Mill Street; Building 4, which located at 215 W. Mill street; and Building 5, which is located at 420 N. Campbell Avenue.  Total cost of purchase is $17,700,000.00 with a scheduled closing on January 23, 2019.  Moved and seconded, respectively, by Ms. Silvey and Ms. Counts.

          Motion passed 8-0.

Mr. Steve Foucart, Chief Financial Officer, then recommended approval of declaration of official intent toward the issuance of educational facilities revenue bonds, and to reimburse the University for expenditures for educational facilities from proceeds of bonds (Finance No. 1084-18). With Hilltop Securities Inc. acting as senior managing underwriter of the bonds, this declaration authorizes and directs the University’s General Counsel, Chief Financial Officer, Bond Counsel, Underwriter and other officers and representatives of the University, to prepare, for submission to and final action by the University, all appropriate legal and financing documents necessary. Mr. Frazier made a motion, receiving a second from Mr. Spears.

Motion passed 8-0.    

13.    Human Resources – Mr. Morris presented on the medical plan proposal, which included a history of medical plan funding, expenses, employee contributions and premiums for the past ten years.  He summarized the new plan proposal, which showed a comparison of current and new benefits, and gave an overview of the review and decision timeline.  Mr. Morris recommended approval of Missouri State University group medical plan (Finance No. 1085-18). Mr. Gore made a motion, receiving a second from Mr. Seal. 

Motion passed 8-0.

Mr. Morris then recommended approval of an on-going mid-year compensation increase (Human Resources No. 1602-18).  The recommended increase of 1% across the board plus $600.00 would be added to base pay effective January 1, 2019, for full-time 12-month faculty and staff and February 1, 2019, for full-time exempt 9 or 10 month faculty and staff hired on or before September 30, 2018. Ms. Counts moved to approve the recommendation, receiving a second from Mr. Frazier. 

Motion passed 8-0.

14.    Financial – Mr. Foucart recommended approval of FY2019 budget revisions (Finance No. 1086-18).  He reiterated the importance of amending the budget secondary to FY2019 changes from appropriations, tuition and healthcare costs. A motion was made by Mr. Spears and seconded by Mr. Frazier. 

Motion passed 8-0.

15.    Old Business – Dr. Jim Baker, Vice President for Research and Economic Development, gave a presentation on IDEA Commons.  He gave an overview of the history of the Jordan Valley Innovation Center (JVIC) and shared where we are today and what we want to do in the future.  As a major commitment for the University, this is also a great opportunity to collaborate with partners, expand further downtown and meet the growing demands of our student and community population.  Dr. Baker then discussed project feasibility, the financial overview and project schedule.  

President Smart recommended approval of the resolution to expand Jordan Valley Innovation Center and further develop IDEA Commons (Agreement No. 419-18). Mr. Gore motioned approval, receiving a second from Ms. Silvey. 

Motion passed 8-0. 

16.    New Business – Ms. Tergin shared that she has enjoyed the past year as Chair of the Board of Governors.  She then nominated Mr. Gabriel Gore for Chair of the Board of Governors for 2019 and Mr. Craig Frazier as Vice Chair of the Board of Governors for 2019.  Mr. Spears made a motion to approve the nominations, receiving a second from Mr. Seal.

Motion passed 8-0.

14.        Date of Next Meeting – The date of the next scheduled meeting was set for Thursday, December 13, 2018, at 1 p.m. on the Springfield Campus.

15.        Adjournment – Ms. Tergin adjourned the meeting at 3:52 p.m., on the motion of Mr. Spears, the second of Mr. Gore, and the unanimous vote of the Board.

Kristan Gochenauer
Secretary to the Board