Objectives Focus on Compensation, Tools, Training

Achieving the compensation goals, especially in the current budgetary climate, will be a challenge. But given the impact of the faculty and staff on the future of the University, it appropriately tops the list of objectives.

Also key is the professional development component, with programs tailored to faculty, supervisors and other groups within the workforce. Providing employees with additional training will improve learning, leadership, management, service and processes, as well as make the University stronger.

There are nine major objectives under the Valuing and Supporting People strategic objective:

Objective 1: Recruit and retain a diverse workforce of faculty and staff

Measure 1: Number and proportion of faculty by race and ethnicity

2016 Target

Increase the percentage of racial and ethnic diversity among faculty from 13.59% minority to better reflect the racial and ethnic make-up of the state of Missouri (19% minority)
Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
Increase emphasis on personal contacts with institutions granting PhDs to traditionally under-represented groups Office of the Provost in coordination with the Office of Human Resources
Provide incentives to departments who fill positions with persons from traditionally under-represented groups Office of the Provost in coordination with the Office of Human Resources
Ask Human Resources to monitor using the new Applicant Tracking System along with Institutional Equity and Compliance Office of Human Resources

Measure 2: Number and proportion of staff by race and ethnicity

2016 Target

Increase the percentage of racial and ethnic diversity among staff from 9.03% minority to better reflect the racial and ethnic make-up of the state of Missouri (19% minority)
Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
Increase use of presence ads in regional newsletters of under-represented groups Office of Human Resources
Increase usage of community-based newspapers in St. Louis and Kansas City Office of Human Resources
Use and monitor closely the pools and hiring policy compliance with applicant tracking system Office of Human Resources
Use professional development to encourage growth and retention of staff Office of Human Resources

Measure 3: Increase diversity of senior academic officials and senior administrators

2016 Target

Increase the number and proportion of senior academic officials and senior administrators who are female from current 7

Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
Fill positions from pools containing under-represented persons Office of the Provost in conjunction with the Chief Diversity Officer

Objective 2: Ensure MSU sustains and improves the capabilities and competencies of its faculty

Measure 1: Assess current faculty development resources and identify areas of strength and need

2016 Target

Source: Best Practices

Tactics Accountability
Conduct needs assessment in the areas of teaching, research and student success along three developmental tracks: tenured faculty, tenure eligible faculty and non-tenure eligible faculty Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning

Measure 2: Percentage of faculty indicating satisfaction with availability, access and quality of professional development at department, college, University or disciplinary/professional levels

2016 Target

Source: Best Practices

Tactics Accountability
TBD Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning

Measure 3: Number and percentage of unique faculty participating in professional development at department, college, University or disciplinary/professional levels

2016 Target

Source: Best Practices

Tactics Accountability
TBD Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning

Objective 3: Ensure MSU sustains and improves the capabilities and competencies of its academic administrators

Measure: Number and percentage of academic administrators attending training

2016 Target

Source: Best Practices

Tactics Accountability
Engage professional development external consultant Office of the Provost
Develop orientation for new department heads Office of the Provost
Evaluate and support extended professional development especially in the areas of academic outcomes, research opportunities and fiscal responsibilities Office of the Provost

Objective 4: Ensure MSU sustains and improves the capabilities and competencies of its staff

Measure 1: Number of supervisors taking supervisory courses and/or leadership training

2016 Target

Increase from TBD to 100%
Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
Complete implementation of the new Learning Management System which will support in class, online and blended learning solutions to provide additional training opportunities to support both supervisory and leadership training Office of Human Resources in coordination with the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
Expand supervisory/leadership learning opportunities for current and new supervisors to participate in as part of their professional development Office of Human Resources in coordination with the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
Require all newly appointed supervisors/leaders participate in a supervisory/leadership class as part of their development Office of Human Resources in coordination with the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
Add a University-wide objective to Section One of the Appraisal and Development Plan for supervisors that would require them to participate in a learning activity annually that would enhance their supervisory/leadership skills Office of Human Resources in coordination with the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning

Measure 2: Number of employee hours enrolled in professional development courses

2016 Target

Increase from 21,742 hours to 23,916 hours
Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
Complete implementation of the new Learning Management System which will support in class, online and blended learning solutions to provide additional training opportunities to support employee development Office of Human Resources in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Allow employees to document participation of external professional development courses, conferences and seminars as part of their employee professional development transcripts in the new Learning Management System Office of Human Resources in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Promote a culture of learning for all employees within the University system through leadership and supporting employees in advancing their knowledge and job skills Office of Human Resources in coordination with the Office of the Provost

Objective 5: Align employee performance expectations to achieve MSU’s mission and vision

Measure 1: Through comprehensive review of faculty roles and rewards, align promotion/tenure and annual evaluation guidelines with the University's mission and vision

2016 Target

Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
TBD but should include written expectations of faculty work along the lines that coincide with the University's mission Office of the Provost

Measure 2: Percent of staff with defined performance expectations which support the University's mission

2016 Target

Increase from 20% to 100%
Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
Relate target to Section Two – Organizational Values, Behaviors and Competencies of the Appraisal and Development Plan, which addresses employee performance expectation in relation to the University’s mission, to include mission integration and organizational commitment Vice President for Administrative and Information Services (AIS) in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Add another column to Section One of the Appraisal and Development Plan where supervisors could indicate if the objective supports the University mission during the planning and evaluation Vice President for AIS in coordination with the Office of the Provost

Measure 3: Employee ADP ratings for staff below competent (3) with a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

2016 Target

Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
Monitor the requirement that employees performing below the Competent Level (3) for their job have received a PIP designed to notify the employee of their less than competent performance and provide a plan for improvement Vice President for AIS in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Provide additional supervisor/leadership training to assist supervisors with tactics on how to address difficult situations and to development improvement plans for their employees Vice President for AIS in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Formalize the mid-year performance feedback  on the Appraisal and Development Plan Process as a requirement for all supervisors to conduct a mid-year meeting so there is an opportunity for improvement prior to the end of the evaluation period Vice President for AIS in coordination with the Office of the Provost

Objective 6: Reward employees based on merit and at competitive compensation

Measure 1: Percent of faculty at mean salary levels based upon peer group salary data

2016 Target

From 25.19% to increased percentages
Track progress
Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
TBD - Salary savings should be used to increase salaries of those under the target goals Office of the Provost
Utilize faculty salary adjustments to address market and equity Office of the Provost

Measure 2: Percent of staff at mean salary levels based upon peer group salary data

2016 Target

From 22.89% to increased percentages
Track progress
Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
Develop a meaningful salary increase budget each year and award annual salary increases based on performance for faculty and staff Vice President for Administrative and Information Services (AIS)
As funding permits, add an "extra" percentage increase every third year of employment to high performing employees (average ADP score over previous 3 years of 4.0 and above) who are below the midpoint of their salary range for staff Vice President for AIS
Cost centers should develop meaningful salary increase budgets to support improving salary levels for faculty and staff Vice President for AIS

Objective 7: Foster an organizational culture that embraces a commitment to assessment of outcomes, continuous improvement, collaboration and teamwork, and visionary leadership

Measure 1: Report results from employee work survey

2016 Target

Job satisfaction scores in all dimensions measured increase from 2011 baseline to 2016 readministration of survey
Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
Develop faculty survey to measure faculty attitudes and behaviors related to each element: outcome orientation and CQI; collaboration and teamwork; and visionary leadership Vice President for Administrative and Information Services (AIS) in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Survey faculty every two years Vice President for AIS in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Develop tactics to address any deficiencies identified in faculty survey Vice President for AIS in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Develop staff survey Vice President for AIS in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Survey staff in 2011 and again in 2016 Vice President for AIS in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Report results of staff surveys Vice President for AIS in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Develop response to survey results Vice President for AIS in coordination with the Office of the Provost

Measure 2: Number of improvement suggestions submitted via My Ideas Program which are approved for implementation

2016 Target

Increase from 0 to 24 annually
Source: Best practices from Society of Human Resources Management, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and American Society for Training and Development

Tactics Accountability
Encourage employees to use program by posting information on website Vice President for Administrative and Information Services in coordination with the Office of the Provost

Objective 8: Enhance and leverage technology to improve teaching and learning systems

Measure: Number of Level III technology-enhanced classrooms available for faculty use

2016 Target

Increase the number of Level III technology-enhanced classrooms from 113 to 213 by 2016
Source: Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning

Tactics Accountability
Provide a networking and computing infrastructure capable of fully supporting emerging teaching and learning systems Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning in coordination with the Chief Information Officer
Update instructional technologies contained in technology-enhanced classrooms to improve ease of use and encourage collaboration Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning in coordination with the Chief Information Officer
Enhance the support services model to maximize the efficient use of technologies and support personnel Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning in coordination with the Chief Information Officer
Expand the services and technologies available in the Learning Commons and open-access computer labs to support student retention initiatives Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning in coordination with the Chief Information Officer
Support the increasing use of lecture capture technologies within the technology-enhanced classrooms to support on-demand instruction Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning in coordination with the Chief Information Officer
Periodically survey faculty members and students to assess satisfaction with existing technology-enhanced classroom capabilities and solicit suggestions for enhancements Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning in coordination with the Chief Information Officer

Objective 9: Maintain a modern technology portfolio that enhances productivity and efficiencies

Measure 1: Technology upgrades that support learning, research and business processes - capacity of networking bandwidth

2016 Target

Increase from 410 Mb to 1 Gb
Source: Computer Services and Information Technology Council through study of benchmark institutions

Tactics Accountability
Focus on upgrades for key areas within the networking infrastructure that are nearing the end of their life cycle Chief Information Officer in coordination with the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
Increase and prioritize Internet bandwidth to appropriately support services offered Chief Information Officer in coordination with the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning

Measure 2: Technology upgrades that support learning, research and business processes - percent of wireless coverage

2016 Target

Increase from 37% to 100%
Source: Computer Services and Information Technology Council

Tactics Accountability
Work with stakeholders to identify wireless expansion requirements Chief Information Officer
Establish a priority listing for wireless expansion, limited by available capital and human resources Chief Information Officer
Develop a 12-month tactical plan: building surveys, wiring technician schedules, other telecommunication/networking projects, etc. Chief Information Officer
Procure equipment to support the tactical plan (allows for volume purchasing) Chief Information Officer
Execute tactical plan to expand the wireless network to all academic and administrative buildings Chief Information Officer

Measure 3: Technology upgrades that support learning, research and business processes - newly developed electronic workflows

2016 Target

Increase from 0 to 15
Source: Computer Services and Department of Education Title III grant

Tactics Accountability
Reduce paper-driven processes and improve efficiency by expanding the use of electronic workflow and document management systems Chief Information Officer working with campus community
Expand features and use of the My Missouri State web portal Chief Information Officer working with campus community
Improve decision support systems by providing increased access to information stored in the University’s Operational Data Store (ODS) and Electronic Data Warehouse (EDW) Chief Information Officer working with campus community
Make additional services available online through the continued delivery of in-house developed self-service applications Chief Information Officer working with campus community