Business Advisement Center

Business Advisement Center

Welcome to the Missouri State Business Advisement Center!

Serving students with majors and minors in the College of Business.

We are here to help! The Business Advisement Center is operating under normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Appointments will be conducted by Zoom, phone, or in-person. If you have questions, please contact our office at 417-836-5386 or by email at

Advisor appointments

  1. To find your assigned advisor, go to My Missouri State, choose the Registration tab and your advisor will be listed.*
  2. Visit the Book an Appointment website.
  3. Find your advisor.
  4. Choose on the link under your advisor's name for either a Zoom/Phone or In-Person appointment.
  5. Choose the type of appointment (Current Student, New Transfer Student, Returning Student.)
  6. Choose the date and time.
  7. Confirm your appointment booking!

If you have any issues, please email

*If you do not have an assigned advisor in the Business Advisement Center, please choose an advisor from the list.

  • Be sure you are available during your scheduled appointment time.
  • Cancel or reschedule your appointment through the confirmation email. If you cannot make your appointment, please cancel so that time slot may be used for another student.
  • Not familiar with Zoom? Learn more about Zoom.
  • Technology questions? Get technology help.

We're looking forward to visiting with you, BizBears!

Contact Information

Location: Glass Hall 276

Phone: 417-836-5386

Fax: 417-836-6757


Hours of business

8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday

Student consultations by appointment

Our Mission

The Business Advisement Center is committed to effectively developing educated persons in business disciplines with a broad understanding of public affairs by assisting students in making decisions regarding major and career choices. Advisors develop strong partnerships with students to enhance both student retention and success, while also teaching students to use critical thinking skills when devising effective educational plans to achieve their lifetime goals.