Professional Liability Insurance Information

Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) must be renewed annually. The following are common options for obtaining PLI for education majors. 

After obtaining PLI from one of the following, a membership email, order summary, welcome letter, or card will be sent to you. You must send this verification to A valid verification must contain the student's full name, dates of coverage, and the insurance company name and logo.

Education students:

Choose one of the following:

  • Missouri State Teachers Association (MSTA)
    • FREE for students who are not already employed by a school district. Join by clicking the link above and creating an account at the bottom of that page, calling 1-800-392-0532 or by emailing
  • National Education Association (NEA)
    • FREE for students who are not already employed by a school district. Join by logging in to NEA. Scroll down to the U.S. map, select state, and click join.

  • Forrest T. Jones & Company
    • To apply, log in to Forrest T. Jones & Company. Under Association Members select (1) Education, (2) ATE/Association of American Educators, and (3) Enter Residential zip code. Choose Student Educator Professional Liability Plan. Select Enroll Now and follow the prompts.
  • Special Education Students only: An additional insurance option for Special Education students is the Council for Exceptional Children membership and insurance package. The student can opt to purchase CEC insurance rather than MSTA or NEA insurance.

Child Life students:

Students must obtain Child Life-specific professional liability insurance prior to enrolling in the following courses: CFD 354 Working with the Hospitalized Child, CFD 454 Therapeutic Play, CFD 499 Child Life Practicum, and CFD 466 Internship in Programs for Children, Youth, Adults, and Families. Coverage must include $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 in aggregate.

Counseling students:

  • ACA provides an "Evidence of Insurance" form that must be submitted for proof of ACA insurance.
  • ASCA provides a membership card that must be submitted for proof of ASCA insurance.