Ethics and Social Policy Minor
The ethics and social policy minor focuses on ethical theory and ethical issues, such as bioethics, environmental ethics, and global ethics. It will help you think critically and independently about, and in turn act conscientiously regarding, the biggest issues facing our world today. Elective courses allow you to choose the classes you want to take in order to tailor this minor to your interests and needs.
Program requirements
The ethics and social policy minor consists of 18 hours, including nine hours of upper-division credit. Included in this are ethics and contemporary issues (PHI 115), philosophy of law (PHI 340), theories of ethics (PHI 345) and philosophy and public affairs (PHI 350).

Adding a minor
The ethics and social policy minor is available with a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Science in Education (Non-Certifiable) or Bachelor of Social Work. To add a minor, see your advisor or visit the Academic Advising and Transfer Center in University Hall 109.