Please make plans to attend Academic Advisor Forums this semester. All sessions (except for the reception) count toward the three hours needed for annual renewal of the Master Advisor designation. All interested advisors are welcome, so please encourage colleagues to participate. Registration is strongly encouraged.
Forum Schedule
Spring 2025 Academic Advisor Forum Series
Sessions coordinated by Ross Hawkins, Director, Academic Advising and Transfer Center
Advisors + Algorithms: Turning Concepts into Action
Presenter: Gates Breedlove-Koepke, Academic Advisor II, Academic Advising & Transfer Center
Amid the many theoretical discussions surrounding AI, this forum focuses on AI-driven workflows that can be implemented on our campus today. Through a blend of presentation and facilitated discussion, participants will explore practical strategies for enhancing advising workflows and office operations. The forum will also touch on the broader implications of AI in advising, balancing immediate use with thoughtful consideration. Advisors will leave with actionable solutions tailored to the needs of our campus.
Wednesday, February 19, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Location: Plaster Student Union, room 313Advising That Isn’t Lost in Translation
Facilitator: Phil Bridges, Academic Specialist, English Language Institute (ELI)
This forum offers information on important considerations when advising international students, an overview of resources available for supporting them on campus, and an introduction to the I Succeed Center for International Students. Bring your questions and ideas and gain confidence working with Bears from around the world.
Monday, February 24, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
The Grad Advising Playbook: Tips & Tools for Grad Degree Progress
Presenters: Dr. Carrisa Hoelscher, Associate Dean, Graduate College
Christy Graham, Curriculum & Graduation Specialist, Graduate College
Join us for an informative session focused on practical strategies for effective graduate student advising. From understanding degree and certificate completion requirements to managing culminating assessments (like comprehensive exams) and research components (like theses and seminar papers), we’ll discuss ways to simplify complex policies and requirements. Our tips and tools will help you guide your graduate students toward successful degree completion with confidence and ease.
Wednesday, February 26, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
General Education Sampler: The Science of Discovery-Navigating University Courses for Today’s Advisors
Facilitator: Kim Stagner, Coordinator, Student Success Initiatives, Academic Advising & Transfer
Center Presenters: Tina-Marie Hopper, Senior Instructor, Biology
Dr. Josh Smith, Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Tiglet Besara, Associate Professor, Physics, Astronomy & Materials Science
Helena Metzker, Senior Instructor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Dr. Toby Dogwiler, School Director, School of Earth, Environment & Sustainability
Do you ever have advisees inquire about courses from different areas on the general
education worksheet? Do you go over the course description, but they continue asking
questions about certain courses? If so, this session is for you! Come and learn additional
information about several general education courses in the Life Physical Sciences
(GEC 106/GEP 107/GEC 108/GEC 109).
Monday, March 3, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Kathy J. Davis Master Advisor Reception
Coordinated by the Academic Advising and Transfer Center
Come celebrate the 2025 Curtis P. Lawrence Excellence in Advising Award Winners. President Dr. Richard “Biff” Williams, Provost Dr. Tammy Jahnke, Dr. Kelly Wood, Associate Provost for Student Success, and Ross Hawkins, Director of the Academic Advising and Transfer Center, will give remarks on academic advising and the Master Advisor Program at Missouri State University. We will also recognize the recipient of the Excellence in Graduate Advising Award. This celebration is open to all advisors.
Monday, March 10, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: Plaster Student Union, Ballroom East
Reception Registration is Encouraged
CORE 42 & You: The Re-Do
Presenters: Ross Hawkins, Director, Academic Advising & Transfer Center
Nathan Hoff, Associate Registrar, Office of the Registrar
Campbell Keele, Coordinator, Transfer Initiatives, Academic Advising & Transfer Center
Dr. Kelly Wood, Associate Provost, Division of Student Success
It’s been a while since CORE 42 has been discussed, so it’s time for a refresher! This advisor forum will cover the basics of CORE 42, what’s new with CORE 42, and frequently asked questions. Attendees will learn about eligibility requirements for CORE 42, reevaluations within CORE 42 and general education, and resources for those who advise CORE 42 students. In short, there will be information for those who are new to CORE 42 and those who have worked with CORE 42 since its inception.
Thursday, March 13, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Location: Plaster Student Union, room 313
Advising Students for Career Readiness: Employers’ Perspective
Facilitators: Dr. Kelly Rapp, Director, Career Center
Career Center staff
Presenters: TBD local employers
What are some high demand skill sets that our students need to know to compete in the current job market? Join us to learn from some local employers’ perspective and insight on recruiting college students for internships and for full-time employment after graduation. The Career Center will host a panel of recruiters / talent acquisition specialists to reveal what captures their attention when there are seeking candidates.
Thursday, March 27, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Technology in Advising
Facilitator: Brian Edmond, Coordinator, MIS
Presenters: Computer Services staff
Back by popular demand, come learn from the staff of Computer Services about changes in technology and future upgrades and initiatives. This forum is important to understand changes that will impact how we advise students. Topics covered include: Transfer Credit Reevaluation & Preapproval System (TCRP), Brightspace advising interface, mobile credentials, etc.
Thursday, May 8, 12:00-1:00 p.m.