Academic Care Team

The purpose of the Academic Care Team (ACT) is to provide targeted academic intervention for students who appear to be struggling academically and/or not attending class to improve chances of successful completion of the term and lessen the chances of an academic status warning. As appropriate, the team provides support after academic probation/academic suspension status.

Contact Dr. Kelly Wood for more information.

Academic Care Team referrals

Submit an Academic Care Team referral

It’s the first or second week of the semester and you are concerned about a student who is missing class a lot or struggling academically at mid-term. What can you do? Use the Academic Care Team Referral Form to send an alert. The sooner we intervene with the student the quicker we can offer help.

After submitting the form, your report will be forwarded to the Academic Care Team, who will offer targeted academic assistance to the student. In some cases, we will contact the student and recommend meeting with you directly. In other cases, we will recommend academic services such as the Bear CLAW or an academic success coach. We recommend sharing with your student that you have made this referral.

Reasons to refer a student:

  • Poor attendance and/or consistent tardiness
  • Consistently unprepared for class
  • Lack of participation (in class/online)
  • Missed, late or incomplete assignments
  • Missed exams
  • Poor performance on exams or assignments
  • Needs to address study skills or time management
  • Academic difficulty due to inadequate English proficiency or cultural adjustment issues
  • Academic difficulty due to issues outside the classroom

Goals and objectives

The goal of this referral form is to initiate prompt communication and effective intervention with students who are experiencing academic difficulties.

Through this proactive program, the Center for Academic Success and Transition aims to:

  • Offer faculty a direct link to support services for referring students that encounter obstacles to success in a course.
  • Provide students with the opportunity to increase their chances of success in a course by participating in active and effective strategies for improvement.
  • Support student learning by connecting students with necessary support services.
  • Encourage a culture of support between students, faculty, and support units at MSU.

Further information

To learn more about the academic referral form, contact Dr. Kelly Wood at the Center for Academic Success and Transition (CAST), 417-836-8343 or

Are you a student interested in working with an academic Success Coach? Use our form to request to meet with a Success Coach. We'll respond within two business days. Learn more on our Student Academic Assistance page.