The president is the chief executive officer of the university and is responsible to the Board of Governors. Use the links below to visit that area:
Missouri State University System
- Board of Governors
- Director of internal audit and risk management
- Board secretary
- System president
- Executive vice president
- General counsel and chief compliance officer
- Chancellor of West Plains campus
- Director of athletics
- Assistant to the president for inclusive engagement
- Vice president for student affairs
- Chief information officer
- Provost
- Dean for College of Business
- Dean for College of Education
- Dean for College of Natural and Applied Sciences
- Dean for Darr College of Agriculture
- Dean for McQueary College of Health and Human Services
- Dean for Reynolds College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dean for library services
- Dean for Graduate College
- Vice president for administration and finance
- Vice president for community and global partnerships
- Vice president for university advancement
- Vice president for marketing and communications
Within this structure, the following have dotted-line relationships:
- Director of internal audit and risk management to system president.
- Board secretary to system president.
- General counsel and chief compliance officer to Board of Governors.
- Director of institutional compliance and Title IX coordinator to general counsel.