Objectives Include Funding, Facilities, Risk-Management

There are eight objectives under the Responsible Stewardship strategic objective:

Objective 1: Grow and diversify revenue ensuring financial sufficiency and flexibility to support MSU’s mission

Measure 1: External funding (non student aid)

2016 Target

Increase from $18 million to $25 million
Track progress
Source: Aspirational based on history and need

Tactics Accountability
Increase the number of grant funded proposals submitted to private, state and federal agencies to secure more external to support the University's mission Vice President of Research and Economic Development in coordination with the decision-makers at the University

Measure 2: Other sources of revenue

2016 Target

Develop new sources of revenue from our traditional tuition structure
Source: Aspirational based on history and need

Tactics Accountability
Dedicate resources to fundraising to generate additional gifts Vice President for University Advancement in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Maximize investment income per the Investment Policy Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Create new revenue streams Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University

Objective 2: Allocate resources, including debt, strategically to achieve MSU’s mission and vision

Measure 1: Expendable financial resources to direct debt

2016 Target

Remain above the median annual baseline, Median FY2009: .89 Source: Moody's Annual US University Medians for Aa3 rating

Tactics Accountability
Monitor financial health of the University on a regular basis Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Consider financial strength as new initiatives or projects are considered Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Review ratios annually so adjustments can be made as needed Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University

Measure 2: Total financial resources to direct debt

2016 Target

Remain above the median annual baseline, Median FY2009: 1.53 Source: Moody's Annual US University Medians for Aa3 rating

Tactics Accountability
Monitor financial health of the University on a regular basis Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Consider financial strength as new initiatives or projects are considered Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Review ratios annually so adjustments can be made as needed Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University

Measure 3: Annual debt service coverages

2016 Target

Remain above the median annual baseline, Median FY2009: 2.49
Source: Moody's Annual US University Medians for Aa3 rating

Tactics Accountability
Monitor financial health of the University on a regular basis Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Consider financial strength as new initiatives or projects are considered Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Review ratios annually so adjustments can be made as needed Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University

Objective 3: Manage fiscal assets prudently to ensure the University operates within its means

Measure 1: Total financial resources per student

2016 Target

Strive to increase total financial resources per student to move closer to the median baseline, Median FY2009: $14,913
Source: Moody's Annual US University Medians for Aa3 rating

Tactics Accountability
Monitor financial health of the University on a regular basis Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Consider financial strength as new initiatives or projects are considered Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Review ratios annually so adjustments can be made as needed Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University

Measure 2: Expendable financial resources to operations

2016 Target

Remain above the median annual baseline, Median FY2009: .43
Source: Moody's Annual US University Medians for Aa3 rating

Tactics Accountability
Monitor financial health of the University on a regular basis Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Consider financial strength as new initiatives or projects are considered Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Review ratios annually so adjustments can be made as needed Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University

Measure 3: Annual operating margins

2016 Target

Remain above the median annual baseline, Median FY2009: 0.9%
Source: Moody's Annual US University Medians for Aa3 rating

Tactics Accountability
Monitor financial health of the University on a regular basis Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Consider financial strength as new initiatives or projects are considered Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Review ratios annually so adjustments can be made as needed Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University

Measure 4: Monthly days cash on hand

2016 Target

Strive to maintain above $40,000,000 of general operating fund cash and investments balance

Tactics Accountability
Monitor financial health of the University on a regular basis Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Consider financial strength as new initiatives or projects are considered Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Review ratios annually so adjustments can be made as needed Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University

Measure 5: Total-Composite Financial Indicator Score

2016 Target

Remain within the Public Institutions Composite Index the Zone “Above” as reported annually buy the Higher Learning Commission, current index 1.1 to 10

Tactics Accountability
Monitor financial health of the University on a regular basis Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Consider financial strength as new initiatives or projects are considered Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University
Review ratios annually so adjustments can be made as needed Chief Financial Officer in coordination with the decision-makers at the University

Objective 4: Invest in the preservation, modernization and replacement of capital assets to support mission critical needs

Measure 1: Facilities condition index

2016 Target

Decrease from 18.8% to 16.7%
Source: APPA Facilities Planning Index

Tactics Accountability
Raise the maintenance and repair budget $500,000 cumulatively each year through 2016, depending on the availability of funds Vice President for Administrative and Information Services in coordination with the Chief Financial Officer

Measure 2: Maintenance and repair funding investment

2016 Target

Increase from 1.3% to 2.0% of replacement value
Source: APPA Facilities Planning Index

Tactics Accountability
Raise the maintenance and repair budget $500,000 cumulatively each year through 2016, depending on the availability of funds Vice President for Administrative and Information Services in coordination with the Chief Financial Officer

Objective 5: Utilize and operate facilities efficiently

Measure 1: Classroom utilization rate and seat utilization

2016 Target

Increase classroom utilization from 51.5% to 71%
Increase classroom seats from 63.9% to 67%
Source: X25 Report

Tactics Accountability
Appoint a subcommittee of the Facilities Task Force in first year to develop procedures and guidelines to facilitate advancement toward utilization goals Office of the Provost in conjunction with University Support Services
Through the Facilities Task Force, determine and recommend annual targets for incremental increase toward 2016 Office of the Provost in conjunction with University Support Services
Through Facilities Task Force, work with each college to improve utilization Office of the Provost in conjunction with University Support Services

Measure 2: Class lab utilization rate and seat utilization

2016 Target

Increase class lab utilization from 22.9% to 50%
Increase class lab seats from 44.25% to 75%
Source: X25 Report

Tactics Accountability
Appoint a subcommittee of the Facilities Task Force in first year to develop procedures and guidelines to facilitate advancement toward utilization goals Office of the Provost in conjunction with University Support Services
Through the Facilities Task Force, determine and recommend annual targets for incremental increase toward 2016 Office of the Provost in conjunction with University Support Services
Through Facilities Task Force, work with each college to improve utilization Office of the Provost in conjunction with University Support Services

Measure 3: Building maintenance cost per sf

2016 Target

Increase from $1.98 to $2.96
Source: APPA Facilities Planning Index

Tactics Accountability
Raise the maintenance and repair Budget $500,000 cumulatively each year through 2016, depending upon the availability of funds Vice President for Administrative and Information Services

Objective 6: Operate the University in a safe and environmentally conscious manner

Measure 1: Worker's compensation claims

2016 Target

Maintain at 125 or fewer annually
Source: University Best Practices

Tactics Accountability
Offer courses to employees and supervisors through the Learning Management System in order to educate and inform about the risks at work Office of Human Resources
Split into two parts: one for employees and one for supervisors Office of Human Resources

Measure 2: Clery Act reporting measures (selected)

2016 Target

At or below 3 year average levels adjusted for proportional increases in enrollment
Source: Comparison of past MSU statistics relative to enrollment data

Tactics Accountability
Begin tracking criminal activity in the new automated University Safety Department Records Management System Office of University Safety
Initiate a quarterly report and detailed analysis of criminal activity and identifiable trends Office of University Safety
Identify and implement targeted education and prevention strategies based on results of the analysis Office of University Safety

Measure 3: Sustainability self assessment measures - AASHE Scorecard

2016 Target

Achieve silver rating by 2014
Track progress
Source: AASHE Scorecard

Tactics Accountability
Sustainability Advisory Committee will oversee self assessment Vice President for Administrative and Information Services in coordination with the Sustainability Advisory Committee

Measure 4: Sustainability self assessment measures - energy savings (BTU/sf)

2016 Target

Decrease from 82,545 to 78,418 annually
Source: APPA Facilities Planning Index

Tactics Accountability
Install occupancy sensors in all public spaces of the academic campus Office of Facilities Management
Educate the campus with website information that can be used to conserve energy Office of Facilities Management
Install pressure independent valves in all major buildings to restore chilled water capacity to the loop Office of Facilities Management

Measure 5: Sustainability self assessment measures - Integrated pest management

2016 Target

Remain at 220 acres
Source: University Best Practices

Tactics Accountability
Sustain the current plan Office of Facilities Management

Measure 6: Sustainability self assessment measures - waste and recycling

2016 Target

Decrease landfill disposal rate from 0.14 tons/person to 0.12 tons/person on campus Increase recycling from 1,187 tons to 1,500 tons
Source: 2005 Solid Waste Audit by Waste Reduction Strategies (April 2005) and AASHE STARS self-assessment performed Fall 2010

Tactics Accountability

Reduce per-person landfill disposal rates by increasing additional recycling opportunities:

  • Acquisition (through grants) and staging of additional recycle stations (indoor and outdoor) across campus
  • Reduce number of indoor trash receptacles
  • Educate and offer outreach to inform population of recycling opportunities
  • Increase number of cardboard collection locations on campus
  • Continue operation of student recycling team funded through the Sustainafund
  • Increase material recycling rates during building renovation projects (LEED)
Office of Environmental Management in coordination with the Sustainability Advisory Committee

Measure 7: Sustainability self assessment measures - water consumption (CCF/resident)

2016 Target

Decrease from 11.49 to 10.34 annually
Source: University Best Practices

Tactics Accountability
Install low flow shower heads in all appropriate buildings Residence Life, Office of Facilities Management in coordination with the Sustainability Advisory Committee
Reduce the frequency of irrigating Residence Life, Office of Facilities Management in coordination with the Sustainability Advisory Committee
Introduce xeriscape landscaping Residence Life, Office of Facilities Management in coordination with the Sustainability Advisory Committee
Create 60,000 gallon rain barrel from old fuel tanks Residence Life, Office of Facilities Management in coordination with the Sustainability Advisory Committee

Objective 7: Demonstrate transparency and accountability to the University’s constituencies

Measure: Annual dissemination of performance outcomes

2016 Target

Update on website at least annually and report to Board of Governors annually
Source: University Best Practices

Tactics Accountability
Maintain the Public Scorecard page on the University's website as updated information becomes available Office of the President in coordination with the Office of the Provost
Promote the use of the website in order to review updated information Office of the President in coordination with the Office of the Provost

Objective 8: Manage university-wide risk (i.e., reputational, strategic, market, financial and operational) effectively

Measure: Internal audit findings implemented

2016 Target

Increase from 84% to 90%
Source: University Governing Policy G1.15 Internal Audit Charter and Institute of Internal Auditors

Tactics Accountability
Increase internal audit follow-up to quarterly basis Office of Internal Audit
Formalize results within the annual Internal Audit Follow Up Report (end of fiscal year) Office of Internal Audit