On-Demand Workshops
Upon request the Center for Dispute Resolution offers workshops and presentations
on communication and conflict management in a variety of contexts.
Past clients have included the following:
- Businesses, Organizations, and Community Agencies
- Departments, Work Units, and Workplace Teams
- Academic, Social, and Community Clubs
- Schools, Departments, or Classes
- Religious and Faith-based Organizations
Workshops may vary in length from 1 hour to 1 day based on the needs and goals of participants. The list below is a sampling of topics offered by the CDR – please contact us for more information or to explore if additional topics are available.
- Managing Emotions and Diffusing Anger – Emotions play an important role in conflicts, but out of control emotions can wreak havoc on our relationships and lead to destructive conflict interactions. This session will focus on how to manage your own emotions and how to diffuse anger in others.
- Managing Conflict in the Workplace- This session explores the nature and causes of conflict, as well as how to address and manage conflict.
- Personality Types and Conflict - Although conflict is inevitable, resolving conflict is easier when you understand how various personalities respond to conflict and the implications of various personality types on conflict situations.
- Conflict in the Classroom - Conflict in educational sessions presents unique challenges for educators, but also provides learning opportunities for students. Explore how to prevent and manage common classroom conflicts effectively.
- Coping with Bullying in the Workplace - This workshop discusses bullying behaviors, techniques for dealing with bullying, and prevention strategies
- Men, Women, and Conflict – This workshop explores the role that gender may play in conflict situations, including how gender may impact the way in which we perceive, interpret, and react to conflict situations.
- Managing Cross-Cultural Conflict - This workshop raises awareness of how cultural differences can influence conflicts while exploring issues, options, and strategies for addressing cross-cultural conflicts within organizations
- How Leaders Manage Conflict - This session explores leadership styles and the ways in which leaders can skillfully manage the conflict.
- Generational Differences in the Workplace - This session delves into the role that generational differences play in conflict and addresses how people can work together more effectively, regardless of age.
- Tools to Encourage Inclusive Discourse - There are many “tools” that can be used to encourage and enable people to safely discuss hot topics and explore differences and difficult issues. This workshop will overview some of these practical tools that can be used to encourage inclusive discourse, including circle processes and public dialogue techniques. These tools are useful for anyone who wants to encourage group discussion, be it in classroom, workplace, or other setting.
- Managing Conflicts Through Storytelling - In a conflict we tell ourselves a story to explain the other person’s behavior; these stories often inflame our emotions and fuel the conflict. This workshop will explore the ways in which we often unconsciously “tell stories” to ourselves and will offer concrete strategies for how you can be a better “storyteller” in conflict.
- Dealing with Difficult People - It seems that some people are just hard to handle: grumpy, obnoxious, unreasonable, stubborn – the list goes on and on. So, how do you cope when you have a conflict with one of these “difficult” people? This session will explore ways to deal with difficult people.
- Assertive Communication – Individuals who can communicate assertively can be clear about their needs and desires without being aggressive. Those who are skilled at assertive communication are confident, find win-win solutions more easily, are better problem solvers, are less stress, and get things done. This session explores the mindset and skills needed to communicate assertively.
- Using Circles to Encourage Dialogue – The “circle process” is a unique format that can be used to encourage dialogue, deep listening, and connection. This session explores how circles can be used in organizations or units to build relationships and enhance learning and collaboration.
- Giving and Receiving Feedback – This session explores how to give and receive feedback in the best ways possible, and offers tips on how to handle these tough conversations and turn an otherwise uncomfortable experience into an opportunity for growth.
- Introduction to Restorative Justice – Restorative justice is a response to harm that respects the dignity and equality of each person, builds understanding, and promotes social harmony through the healing of victims, offenders, and communities. Examples include victim-offender dialogue, restorative discipline in schools, family group conferencing, peacemaking circles, community reparative boards, and more. This session will introduction participants to the philosophy behind restorative practices.
- Women Don’t Ask - Whether they want higher salaries or more help at home, women often find it hard to ask. Sometimes they don't know that change is possible--they don't know that they can ask. Sometimes they fear that asking may damage a relationship. And sometimes they don't ask because they've learned that society can react badly to women asserting their own needs and desires. This session will explore the differences between men in women in their propensity to negotiate for what they want, providing valuable information both women and men who find it difficult to negotiate, and for supervisors who manage such employees.