Degrees Committee Guidelines

Degrees Committee Guidelines for Requesting an Exception to a University Degree Requirement

Spring 2025 Deadline

March 13

Spring 2025 Meeting

March 28

The Degrees Committee is the body that considers student requests for exceptions to existing undergraduate graduation requirements as specified in the undergraduate catalog.

For appeals for waivers or exceptions to general education policies or requirements, students may contact Blanca Mallonee, Meyer Library 116, 417-836-8346 to make an appointment.

Appeals for exceptions to major or minor requirements should be made to the department head/director of the major or minor.

Students who desire their appeals to be considered by the Degrees Committee must complete the online appeal form. If you have questions concerning appeals to the committee, please contact Blanca Mallonee, Meyer Library 116, 417-836-8346.

Some examples of supporting documentation which may be submitted with your appeal include the following:

  1. letter from the department head of your major
  2. letter from the department head of the department offering the course for which you are requesting the waiver or exception
  3. letter from your academic advisor
  4. letter from the Learning Diagnostic Clinic
  5. letter from the instructor who teaches the course for which you are requesting the waiver, typed on department letterhead and signed by the instructor
  6. information from other colleges on courses completed at those colleges such as course description or course syllabus

Appeals (including supporting documentation) must be submitted two weeks prior to the committee meeting at which the student wishes his/her request to be considered—allowing time to obtain transcripts, copy and disseminate materials to committee members, and study the requests.

Appealing students do not attend meetings. Students will be notified in writing of the committee’s decision.

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