0016 General Counsel and Vice President for Legal Affairs & Compliance


TITLE General Counsel and Vice President for Legal Affairs & Compliance


GRADE Unclassified




The General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs & Compliance provides legal advice and consultation to the Board of Governors, University President, the Administration and faculty and represents the University system before University system hearing bodies as well as administrative and judicial bodies of the United States, the State of Missouri, Greene County, and Springfield.  The General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs & Compliance reviews and recommends institutional policies and procedures, reviews or prepares contracts and other legal documents, and provides legal opinions to University committees and councils as directed by the Board of Governors or the University President. The General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs & Compliance oversees and coordinates the University’s commitment to remain compliant with all applicable legal and regulatory obligations.  The General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs & Compliance is the major administrator with responsibility for oversight of Legal Affairs and Compliance, which includes the Office of General Counsel, the Office for Institutional Compliance, and the Title IX Office.


Education: A Juris Doctorate degree from an American Bar Association (ABA) accredited law school is required.

Experience: At least five years of legal experience in delivering legal services to or within a complex organizational structure is required.  Employment law experience is required.  Litigation experience and excellent professional references are required. 

License: Membership in the State of Missouri Bar or eligibility for membership in the Missouri Bar within a reasonable period is required.

Skills: Effective verbal and written communication skills are required in order to communicate legal advice/opinions and provide consultation to people from all constituencies of the University.  The ability to provide effective legal representation within time constraints is required.


1. Serves as the General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs & Compliance for the University by providing legal and regulatory advice or consultation to the Board of Governors, University President, administration and faculty through administrative channels and reviewing and recommending institutional policies, procedures, guidelines and other documents as needed.

2. Reduces the likelihood for inappropriate, unnecessary or costly institutional liability in contractual agreements and terms or business arrangements by reviewing and/or preparing contracts and other legal documents for execution by or on behalf of the University.

3. Represents the University system during administrative or judicial proceedings by serving as the General Counsel, advising in the representation, or overseeing the representation of the University system before University system hearing bodies as well as administrative and judicial bodies of the United States and the State of Missouri.

4. Facilitates the establishment and continuance of appropriate and cooperative relationships between the University and external organizations by serving as the University's liaison with counsel for other universities, the Attorney General of Missouri, the United States Attorney General, the Greene County Prosecutor, Springfield City Attorney, and similar officials.

5. Provides requested legal opinions and advice to University committees and councils by serving as a resource person to the President's Administrative Council and such other bodies as directed by the Board of Governors or the University President.

6. Spearheads and oversees the University’s strategies to ensure compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory obligations, including, without limitation, Title VI and Title VII of the civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 as amended (“ADEA”), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1966 (“HIPAA”), and the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

7. Remains competent and current through self-directed professional reading, developing professional contacts with colleagues, attending professional development courses, and attending training and/or courses as directed.

8. Contributes to the overall success of the University by performing other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the University President or the Board of Governors.


The General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs & Compliance is supervised by the University President and supervises legal, compliance, and clerical staff.