Spring 2024 Showcase Judges
Instructor - Communication, Media, Journalism and Film
Debate Coach - Kickapoo High School
Associate Pastor - The Venues
Judge Instructions
Preliminary Round
Download Judge Instructions (PDF)
Thank you for taking time to judge. The Showcase's success is dependent upon your participation. The following information helps ensure that your round(s) go as smoothly as possible.
- Your "Judge's packet" should contain the following materials:
- A criteria for judging sheet.
- The appropriate number of ballots for your round.
- A copy of the schedule indicating location of your round and scheduled speakers.
- A ranking/rating sheet.
- The following suggestions are intended to help you and the students:
- The speaking order is determined by the schedule. Your should call the speaker's name based on their position on the schedule.
Please announce at the BEGINNING of your round(s) that EVERYONE is to remain in the room until the round is completed as a courtesy to all of the scheduled speakers.
Using the supplied ballots, please write comments regarding the students' speeches. Consider the elements listed on the Criteria for Judging Sheet as well as verbal and nonverbal delivery habits. For example, look for appropriate posture, facial expressions and gestures, eye contact, rate of delivery, avoidance of nervous mannerisms, articulation, pronunciation, etc.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that these are beginning speakers, so attempt to phrase your criticisms in a positive manner. Also, because this is the first time many of these students have participated in this type of event, your written comments are even more important. Please take the time to write enough on their ballots to reassure them that you did indeed listen to their speeches.
The time limit is 7-9 minutes. You do not need to use time cards, but please do time speeches. They should not go beyond the time allotted. Final round judges will not be asked to keep time.
You will be listening to persuasive speeches.
At the conclusion of your round, please PROMPTLY return your completed packet to the check in desk. Heather Walters will be waiting to receive each packet to begin tabulation. Due to privacy issues, please do not gather around Heather once you have dropped off the packet.
Please DO NOT complete packet in the hospitality room. Please remain in your room until paperwork is finished. There have been complaints in the past of judges conferring and comparing results on their ballots and ranking sheets in between rounds, and we would really like this information to remain confidential until results are made public.