Upcoming Workshops

The Spring 2023 workshops will take place Friday, April 14th.  The expectation was that we would reach our limit fast, and our expectation exceeded. 

Genevieve "Gen" Nelson, LPC  and Program Director at Lost & Found Grief Center in Springfield will present the morning session "Grief Counseling in the Modern World."  Our 62 registrants will dive deeper into understanding grief and all of its complications, including the societal stigmas and barriers many people experience when dealing with loss.

The afternoon workshop, "Let's Talk About Suicide," is presented by Sandra Parisi, LPC and currently working at Beyond Healing Center, Springfield and as a licensure supervisor with Cox Health Systems and Burrell Behavioral Health.  Suicidal ideation is a regular presentation of clients, and counselors are generally hyper-alert to indications of suicidal risk.  Participants will learn more about assessing suicidal risk, when to recomment acute inpatient hospitalization, as well as additional resources to assist clients.

The Clinic's Continuing Education Workshops are presented twice a year (spring and fall) and aimed at persons licensed in the state of Missouri as counselors, social workers and psychologists. 

If you're interested in being a part of the CEU mailing list, contact the Clinic at (417) 836-3215