Presentation proposal submission form


Primary Presenter Information
Include their first and last name.
(150 word maximum)
Proposal information
Session topic*
Type of presentation*
(10 word maximum)
(150 words maximum)
Co-presenter information
Will there be a co-presenter?*
Complete the following section only if you have a co-presenter:
Include their first and last name.
(150 words max)
Commentator information
Will there be a commentator?*
Complete the following section only if you have a commentator:
Include their first and last name.
(150 words maximum)
Complete the following section(s) only if you are submitting a panel discussion:
Panelist 1 information
Include their first and last name.
(150 words maximum)
Panelist 2 information
Include their first and last name.
(150 words maximum)
Panelist 3 information
Include their first and last name.
Panelist 4 information
Include their first and last name.
(150 words maximum)
End of panelist(s) section
Moderator information
Include their first and last name.
(150 words maximum)
Optional survey questions
The following optional questions are asked in an effort to track our progress in increasing diversity and inclusion at our events. This information will not be shared.
What racial/ethnic background does the primary speaker identify with?
(select all that apply)
(disability, LGBTQ+, etc.)