Curriculum Support-Faculty Senate

This new curriculum support resource provides access to Curriculog, CAW, training schedules, FAQ, how-to resources, etc. 

Curriculum Support 


Faculty Senate Curricular Documents

Contact the Faculty Senate Office for Documents Prior to Fall 2015.


MDHE New Program Templates

New graduate programs, new undergraduate majors, and certificate programs involving more than 18 credit hours require a New Program application to be submitted to the Missouri Department of of Higher Education (MDHE). MDHE approval is required before a new program can be offered or advertised. Links to the application templates are below.

If you require assistance to complete the application, contact Julie Masterson, Graduate College, 417-836-5335.

New Undergraduate Major (or 18 hour certificate)

New Graduate Program (or 18 hour certificate)

Additional information

Go to the Experts Website.