
Due to the potential adverse health affects of asbestos, Missouri State University will strive to minimize the exposure of faculty, staff, students and visitors to friable asbestos. The University made a concerted effort to remove all exposed asbestos other than non-friable floor tile from all existing facilities. The non-friable floor tile present on-campus is periodically inspected for deterioration.


Asbestos: a mineral fiber that can pollute air or water and cause cancer or asbestosis. Any material containing more than one percent asbestos is classified by OSHA as "asbestos containing material" (ACM).

Friable ACM: Any material containing more than one-percent asbestos and that can be crumbled or reduced to powder by hand pressure. (This may include previously non-friable material which becomes broken or damaged by mechanical force.)

Nonfriable ACM: Any material containing more than one percent asbestos (as determined by Polarized Light Microscopy) that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.

Materials which may contain asbestos at Missouri State University can include the following, many of which may be concealed or encapsulated. This list is not all inclusive.

  • Pipe made with transite (cement asbestos),
  • Vinyl and asphalt flooring (linoleum or tile), and the cove base, including the backing and mastics,
  • Thermal system insulation, including spray-applied, blown-in, boiler, breeching, and pipe insulation that is presently nonexposed,
  • Fireproofing materials, including blankets, curtains, counter tops, gloves, electrical wiring insulation, and cloth,
  • Roofing materials, including tars, and underlayments,
  • HVAC ductwork flexible fabric connections and insulation,
  • Packing materials, gaskets, felts, caulking, putties, joint compounds, and adhesives,
  • Laboratory countertops, sinks, and the lining of laboratory fume hoods.

Asbestos may also be found in other items not covered on the above list.