Council on General Education & Intercollege Programs (CGEIP)

Purpose: This Council shall act upon all curricular proposals affecting the General Education Program as well as courses and programs offered collaboratively by Academic Departments/Schools in two or more colleges (i.e. Intercollegiate programs not routed to EPPC or Graduate Council).

Powers: This Council is empowered to approve curricular proposals, reject and return proposals to the College Council(s) that submitted it/them, or amend and approve the proposals.

Membership: The Council shall be comprised of two persons from each undergraduate College (with the exception of University College) and the Chair-elect of the Faculty Senate, an ex-officio member without vote.  Members shall serve for a term of three (3) years and may be reelected.  At the first organizational meeting, one (1), two (2), and three (3) year terms shall be drawn by lot, so that one-third of the council has each term length.  Thereafter, members shall serve staggered three (3) year terms, so that one-third of the membership shall be replaced each year.  The Provost or a designate of the Provost shall be an ex-officio member without vote. The Director of the Center for Assessment and Instructional Support shall be an ex-officio member without vote.

2024–2025 Roster

TBA (Chair)
TBA (Chair-Elect)
TBA (Secretary)

William H. Darr College of Agriculture

Liza Cobos, HA, 2027
Steve Schneider, EP, 2026

Reynolds College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

tba, WL (rplac Kristin Harper), 2026
Todd Payne, MUS, 2025
Sara Henary, PS, 2025

College of Business

Cathy Van Landuyt, AC, 2026
Doug Witte, FG, 2027

College of Education

Jamie Atkinson, RF, 2025
Jon Turner, WE, 2027

McQueary College of Health and Human Services

Emery Bryant, KIN, 2025
Anna McWoods, BMS, 2027

College of Natural and Applied Sciences

Steven Senger, MTH, 2026
Mike Reed, PAMS, 2027

Provost’s Designates (ex-officio): Sabhasree Basu Roy and Mark Woolsey
Faculty Senate Chair-Elect (ex-officio): 
Mike Foster
Director of the Center for Assessment and Instructional Support, FCTL (ex-officio): Nancy Gordon 

Updated September 11, 2024

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