Staff Excellence in University Service Award

The Staff Excellence in University Service Award (SEUSA) recognizes excellence in service to the university among staff employees. These awards are intended to provide incentives for continued workplace performance to staff employees who make significant contributions to the university community.

Up to six full-time staff employees will receive a one-time $1,500 award. Up to three part-time staff employees will received a one-time $750 award. The intent of the awards is to recognize exceptional service to the university.


Superior service to the university can come in many forms. Awards may be granted on the basis of an extended period of excellent service to the university, or for a particular time period of excellent service. The university wishes to recognize those staff employees who strive to do their jobs well on a daily basis, go above and beyond the call of duty in a special situation, and who have contributed in a significant way to the success of the university. Given the diversity of jobs and positions among university staff, it would be nearly impossible to apply any given set of criteria to every applicant. Thus, awards will be considered on an individual basis, in light of the individual’s service to the university and particular position of employment.


Full-time, regular employees in administrative, professional, and support staff positions who do not hold faculty rank and who earn less than $90,000 annually are eligible to receive an award.

Part-time (non-student) employees in administrative, professional, and support staff positions who do not hold faculty roles are eligible to receive an award.

All full-time and part-time nominees must have completed at least one year of employment at Missouri State University and be actively employed at the time of the award. There is no limit on the number of times an individual employee may receive an award, but individuals may not receive an award for two consecutive years.


Currently enrolled students, employed staff, faculty, or administrators are encouraged to nominate staff employees for the Staff Excellence in University Service Award.

Nomination forms should be substantive, with a clear rationale for the nomination. Nominees will be notified of their nomination.

Selection process

A Review Committee consists of two representatives appointed by Staff Senate, a representative from Administrative Council, a representative from Human Resources, a representative from the West Plains campus, and four staff members appointed by the president, with one of these appointments acting as secretary of the Review Committee. Presidential appointments will be made in an effort to round out the diversity of job families on the committee. Appointments shall be for two-year terms with the option of reappointment for additional year(s).

The Review Committee reviews all nominations received and selects award recipients by committee consensus. Recommended award recipients are subject to final approval by their vice president and/or the president.

Application deadline

Applications accepted February 1, 2024 - November 8, 2024.

Awards presentation

Award recipients will be recognized at the annual Staff Awards Luncheon.