MSU Equivalent Courses

Course Type Common Equivalent Courses at Missouri State
English Composition I ENG 105- Writing I with Studio
ENG 110- Writing I
English Composition II AGR 320- Writing II- Writing in the Applied Sciences
ENG 210- Writing II- Sriting Across the Disciplines
ENG 221- Writing for the Professions
ENG 310- Writing II- Writing for Graduate and Professional Schools
ENG 321- Writing II- Beginning Technical Writing
GLG 358- Writing II- Reporting Geological Information
HST 210- Writing II- Historical Inquiry
Public Speaking/Communication COM 115- Fundamentals in Public Speaking
College-Level Mathematics MTH 136- Pre-Calculus I
MTH 137- Pre-Calculus II
MTH 138- Pre-Calculus Mathematics
MTH 261- Analytical Geometry & Calculus I
MTH 287- Computational Calculus w/ Analytical Geometry I
Statistics MTH 340- Statistical Methods
MTH 545- Applied Statistics
AGR 330- Statistical Applications in Agriculture
PSY 200- Psychological Statistical Methods
PSY 527- Advanced Psychological Statistical Methods
SOC 220- Statistics for Social Research
QBA 237- Basic Business Statistics
IPE 381- Statistics for Health Professions
REC 328- Statistical Applications in Recreation
BIO 550- Statistical Methods for Biologists
Medical Terminology LLT 102- Scientific and Medical Terminology
ATC 413- Informatics and Terminology in Healthcare
IP(E 413- Informatics and Terminology in Healthcare
U.S. Government PLS 101- American Democracy and Citizenship
Abnormal Psychology PSY 304- Abnormal Psychology
Developmental Psychology CFD 155- Principles of Human Development
May also take the following combination of courses to cover lifespan development: 
PSY 331- Psychology of Childhood
PSY 441- Psychology of Adolescence
PSY 350- Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
Introductory/General Sociology SOC 150- Introduciton to Society
Introductory/General Anthropology ANT 125- Exploring Our Human Ancestry
Economics ECO 155- Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 165- Principles of Microeconomics
Ethics PHI 115- Ethics and Contemporary Issues
Introduction to Religion REL 100- Introduction to Religion
Introductory Nutrition/Human Nutrition DTN 240- Introduciton to Nurtrition
General Chemistry CHM 160- General Chemistry I
CHM 161- General Chemistry Lab
CHM 170- General Chemistry II
CHM 171- General Chemistry II Lab
Organic Chemistry CHM 201- Essentials of Organic Chemistry
CHM 202- Essentials of Organic Chemistry Lab
CHM 342- Organic Chemistry I
CHM 343- Organic Chemistry II
CHM 345- Microscale Organic Chemistry Lab
CHM 445- Intermediate Organic Chemistry Lab
Biochemistry  CHM 352- Introduction to Biochemistry
CHM 353- Introduction to Biochemistry Lab
CHM 554- Biochemistry I
CHM 555- Biochemistry I Lab
BMS 321- Biomolecular Interactions
General Biology BIO 121- General Biology (with lab)
BMS 110- Intro to Human Biology
BMS 111- Intro to Human Biology Lab
Microbiology  BIO 212- Elements of Microbiology
BIO 213- Elements of Microbiology Lab
BIO 312- Microbiology
BIO 313- Microbiology Lab
BMS 317- Medical Microbiology (with lab)
Genetics BMS 230- Human Genetics
BMS 231- Human Genetics with Lab
BMS 232- Human Genetics Lab
BIO 235- Genetics
BIO 236- Genetics Lab
Cell Biology BIO 320- Cellular and Molecular Biology
BMS 521- Molecular Cell Biology
Anatomy BMS 307- Human Anatomy (with lab)
BIO 380- Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (with lab)
KIN 250- Applied Human Anatomy (with lab)
Physiology BMS 308- Human Physiology (with lab)
BMS 442- Physiology of the Human Cell
BMS 542- Physiology of Organ Systems
BMS 562- Medical Physiology Lab
BIO 361- General Physiology (with lab)
KIN 252- Applied Human Physiology (with lab)
Biomechanics ATC 444- Applied Orthopedic Review
KIN 360- Kinesiology
Histology BMS 585- Histology
Immunology BIO 511- Immunology (with lab)
Exercise Physiology BMS 567- Physiology of Exercise Metabolism
KIN 362- Exercise Physiology
College Physics PHY 123- Introduction to Physics I (with lab)
PHY 124- Introduction to Physics II (with lab)
PHY 203- Foundations of Physics I (with lab)
PHY 204- Foundations of Physics II (with lab)
Animal Sciences AGS 101- Animal Sciences
AGS 301- Physiology of Farm Animals
AGS 310- Animal Nutrition
AGS 311- Feeds/Feeding
AGS 316- Animal Breeding
Communication Sciences and Disorders CSD 210- Phonetics
CSD 312- Normal Language Acquisition
CSD 315- Language Disorders in Children
CSD 316- Introduction to Language and Cognitive-Linguistic Disorders in Adults
CSD 319- Anatomy and Physiology of Speech
CSD 360- Hearing and Speech Science
CSD 370- Audiology
CSD 572- Aural Rehabilitation
SPE 311- Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL)

**If any of these courses are taken elsewhere and transferred to MSU, you will need to check the equivalency of the ORIGINAL course with your program of interest.