Teacher Certification, Teacher Education Program, and Secondary Education Requirements

Op3.04-43 Teacher Certification, Teacher Education Program and Secondary Education Requirements

The teacher education program and the secondary education programs are interdisciplinary in nature and are applicable to all students desiring teacher certification. These programs are overseen by the professional education unit (PEU) with a professional education committee (PEC) and numerous subcommittees. All academic departments/schools with a teacher education program participate in these committees and administer their programs in accordance with approved policies and curriculum. The following offices assist the PEU, PEC and the departments in administering the programs.

Secondary Education Director: Denise Fredrick, PhD, 402 Hill Hall, Phone 417-836-5944

Office of Student Services Director: Professor David W. Brown, EdD, 200 Hill Hall, Phone 417-836-5253

Educational Field Experiences and Clinical Practice Coordinator: Sharon L. Terry, BME, 200 Hill Hall, Phone 417-836-5253

Office of Teacher Certification Compliance Coordinator: Scott K. Fiedler, MS, 203 Hill Hall, Phone 417-836-8772

Professional Education Advisement Center Coordinator: Stephanie C. Marinec, MSEd, 202 Hill Hall, Phone 417-836-5429

Secondary Professional Education Advisement: Denise Fredrick, PhD, 402 Hill Hall. Phone 417-836-6204 for appointment. Also see the individual departments for assignment to a program faculty advisor.

Missouri State Board of Education approved programs

Missouri State University has been approved by the Missouri State Board of Education to offer programs for purposes of teacher preparation and certification. The approval date is from October 15, 2003 and extended through 2010. Refer to the College of Education section of this catalog for a list of the approved programs.

Missouri State Teacher Certification

Students who have already obtained a bachelor’s degree and are seeking Missouri state teacher certification should contact the office of teacher certification compliance, 203 Hill Hall, Phone 417-836-8772. This office provides a program evaluation service for initial certificates ($40 fee required), advisement and assistance to gain certification and/or additional endorsements.

Correspondence credit

To apply correspondence credit in educational methods courses on a Bachelor of Science in Education degree, a student must have written permission from the dean of the College of Education.

Teacher Education Program

Missouri State University is approved by the Missouri State Board of Education to offer basic and advanced professional education programs for purposes of professional certification. Admission to the University does not automatically qualify a student to participate in the professional component of the teacher education program. That participation is granted upon demonstration of a high level of academic and professional competence. Successful participation should result in the student’s achieving certification to teach in Missouri public schools.

Professional portfolio component

All students desiring Missouri certification are required to submit a professional portfolio. This portfolio will be assessed, evaluated, and monitored throughout the teacher education program with assistance and guidance from faculty. There are three distinct checkpoints for the portfolio: 1) at admission to the teacher education program (culmination of the introductory course-ELE 302, SEC 302, SPE 310, MUS 200, or KIN 200), 2) at the designated methods course(s) for each departmental major, and 3) at the culmination of supervised teaching.

Diversity component

Diversity course work is required through General Education hours, program specific hours, or elective hours. Please consult with your program or department of major for specific program requirements that may meet this diversity component.

Professional liability

All candidates for professional education programs at Missouri State University are required to have professional liability insurance coverage before being placed in the initial practicum, and/or subsequent clinical and field experiences. Professional liability insurance may be obtained at a minimal cost through a personal insurance carrier or through one of many available professional student organizations that provide insurance as part of their membership package. The proof of coverage must accompany all other required documentation prior to placement. No exceptions may be granted.

Certification eligibility

Completion of certification requirements is a four-step process. Students who receive a certification recommendation must meet the standards for certification eligibility as outlined below:

  1. Requirements for Eligibility to Enroll in Professional Education Courses: Before a student can enroll in the introductory methods courses (ELE 302, SEC 302, SPE 310, MUS 200, or KIN 200), the student must have:
    1. A valid ACT score on file if required by the University for admission purposes and/or Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and a combined (both Missouri State and transfer) GPA of 2.50 or above.
    2. Completed EDC 150 or met equivalent competencies with a grade of “C” or better. Note: For Science Education majors, competency is covered in major requirements.
    3. A highway patrol background check prior to any clinical experience placement (fee required).
    Note: The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will require a FBI background check prior to issuing a certificate.
  2. Requirements for Admission to and Continuance in the Teacher Education Program: Students who plan to complete teacher certification requirements must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Application is automatically made when enrolling in SEC 302, ELE 302, SPE 310, MUS 200, or KIN 200. Admission to the Program is required before students are allowed to begin additional courses in the professional education component (with the exception of EDT 365 which may be taken concurrently with ELE 302, SPE 310, or SEC 302).

    The criteria used to determine admission or rejection to the Teacher Education Program are outlined below. In addition to having completed at least 45 semester hours (secondary and middle school majors) or 30 semester hours (early childhood, elementary, and special education majors) of university course work, the student must have:

    1. A combined (both Missouri State and transfer) GPA of 2.50 or above
    2. A 2.50 major GPA (Missouri State and transfer) for subject specific 9-12 and K-12 programs. Note: A 2.75 major GPA (Missouri State and transfer) for Social Science (History) is required.
    3. Passed all sections of the Missouri State Board of Education entry examination (CBASE) with a score of 265 or higher on each section and attained a minimum grade of “C” in COM 115. A student who fails to meet this criterion and who wishes to appeal may do so in writing. Such appeals shall be filed with the chairperson of the professional education exceptions committee.
    4. Completed SEC 302 or SEC 300/301; ELE 302, SPE 310, MUS 200, or KIN 200 with a grade of “C” or higher.
    5. Passed portfolio first checkpoint (except for Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education majors)
    6. A background check on file
    Note: A student's application for admission to the Program is considered by the professional education committee when the requirements listed above are complete. A student’s qualifications for continuance in the Teacher Education Program is subject to review and change by the professional education committee at any time while the student is enrolled.
  3. Requirements for Assignment to Supervised Teaching: Successful completion of supervised teaching is a requirement for teacher certification. The criteria used to determine eligibility for Supervised Teaching are outlined below. The student must have:
    1. Been admitted to the Teacher Education Program
    2. A statement from the Director of Magers Health and Wellness Center that a tuberculin test or chest x-ray has been completed and that the student has not been identified as infected with a communicable disease
    3. A combined GPA of 2.50 or above for all college level course work completed
    4. Completed at least 15 hours, with a GPA of 2.50 or above, at Missouri State.
    5. A combined GPA of 2.50 or above in major. Note: A combined GPA of 2.75 or above in major for Social Science (History).
    6. Passed portfolio second checkpoint
    7. "C" or better in all professional education courses
    8. Current pre-professional liability insurance
    9. Been recommended by the student’s advisor. The recommendation shall be based upon the applicant’s character, personality, and potential for teaching.
    10. Been recommended by the department in which the student is completing an undergraduate major or seeking certification. For those students completing a degree which involves significant work in more than one department (i.e., Speech and Theatre Education) the departmental recommendation will come from the department in which the greatest number of hours is completed. For those students who have already completed a degree, the departmental recommendation will come from the department which would normally provide the majority of the course work for that certification.
    11. An additional fee of $200 per 8-week placement is assessed for supervised teaching outside of service area.
  4. Requirements for Certification Recommendation: To be recommended for an initial Missouri teaching certification, the student must have:
    1. Successfully completed Supervised Teaching
    2. Met all Missouri teacher certification requirements which are in effect at time of certification. These requirements are normally met by persons earning the Bachelor of Science in Education degree at Missouri State.
    3. A cumulative combined (both Missouri State and transfer) GPA of 2.50 or higher
    4. Met the criteria established by the Missouri State Board of Education exit evaluation procedures (Praxis II: Subject Assessments Specialty Area Tests.)
    5. Completed professional education courses with a GPA of 2.50 (Missouri State and transfer combined) and no grade lower than “C”
    6. A GPA of 2.50 (Missouri State and transfer combined) on a 4.00 scale in the certificate subject area and for each additional area of endorsement
    7. Passed final portfolio requirement

Note: The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will require a FBI background check prior to issuing a certificate.

Secondary Education
Bachelor of Science in Education
(Certifiable grades 9-12 and K-12)

All students must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program and to Supervised Teaching in order to earn this degree. See application procedures at the beginning of this section of catalog.

In order to meet Missouri state teacher certification requirements, candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Education degree are required to meet the following grade point average requirements: at least a 2.50 GPA on all course work attempted at all colleges attended; at least a 2.50 GPA in the certificate subject area (major field of study in Social Science requires a 2.75 GPA) which includes all courses listed under C; at least a 2.50 GPA in any additional certificate subject area; at least a 2.50 GPA in the professional education courses; and no grade lower than a “C” in all professional education courses. All GPA requirements include both Missouri State and transfer grades. Additional State Board of Education certification rules require passing scores on all portions of the College Basic Academic Subject Examination (C-BASE) and successful completion of the appropriate Praxis II Examination Specialty Area Test with a score equal to Missouri’s qualifying score.

The curriculum for secondary teaching leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education and carries with it an initial professional certificate (PCI) to teach in the state of Missouri.

  1. General Education Requirements - see "General Education Program" section of catalog (43-51 hours)
  2. Specific major requirements may also meet General Education Requirements. See the content discipline department for course listing. Students must also satisfy the following requirements which may be met through General Education coursework.
    1. Prerequisites for professional education courses are PSY 121; and CIS/CSC 101 or CSC 111 or Computers for Learning waiver exam.
    2. International students must provide documentation of completion of coursework in the following:
      1. English Composition, two (2) courses, each a minimum of two (2) semester hours;
      2. U.S. History, three (3) semester hours; and
      3. U.S. Government, three (3) semester hours
    3. Admission to the Teacher Education Program requires completion of COM 115 with a grade of “C” or better
  3. Complete a subject area major not less than 30 hours or a comprehensive major of not less than 50 hours. See discipline department for major requirements. Although not required, minors must be no less than 15 hours. Note: Students who wish to be certified in an additional area of certification should check the state and departmental requirements in that area.
  4. Professional education courses (Kinesiology and Music majors must refer to the department section of the catalog for admission to Teacher Education Program and degree requirements.) The program outlined below has been designed to provide the preparation of Bachelor of Science in Education students and to meet the requirements for Missouri state teacher certification. Note: A grade of “C” or better in each course is required for state certification. Note: .
    1. Required Core (25-30 hours):
      1. SEC 302(4)
      2. PSY 360(3)
      3. EDC 350(3)
      4. SPE 340(2) Note: Music Education majors satisfy this requirement by completion of MUS 340(2); Physical Education majors satisfy this requirement by completion of KIN 468(4).
      5. RDG 474(2)
      6. Teaching Methods Course (3-4): courses are listed in the department section within the professional education section of the major. Note: A teaching methods course is required for each area of certification.
      7. Supervised Teaching (8-12): courses are listed in the department section within the professional education section of the major
    2. Additional required competencies or equivalent course(s) required for major
      1. EDC 150(1) Note: For Science Education majors, competency is covered in major requirements.
      2. EDT 365(3) Note: For Mathematics Education majors, competency is covered in major requirements.
      3. PSY/SFR 486(3) Note: For Music and Physical Education majors, competency is covered in major requirements.
  5. Most programs leading to teacher certification require more credits than the 120 University minimum for graduation. It is the student’s responsibility to meet the degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Education-Secondary in specific subject area major areas. See the program requirements listed by departments offering each major.
  6. General Baccalaureate Degree Requirements - see "General Baccalaureate Degree Requirements" section of catalog