University Space Allocation

Op11.20 University Space Allocation

Missouri State University is obligated to use its limited space in the most efficient and effective manner to serve its students.

Toward that end, given the number of stakeholders and the nature of the shared governance environment, it is essential to have in place a meaningful and collegial process to ensure an open and fair procedure whereby academic and administrative space needs and resources can be addressed and adjudicated. It is also critical that there be a clear line of authority and decision-making process.

The following committee, hereby appointed, will serve to address that need. On a going-forward basis, all requests for academic and administrative space needs must be made through the committee.

The University Space Allocation Advisory Committee will report to the Vice President for Administration and Finance (VPAF). The University Space Manager will chair the committee. The VPAF will have the ultimate decision-making authority and responsibility with appeal rights of the Vice President's decisions going to the President.

The committee is to meet at the call of the chair, typically every other month, to review the status of current space allocations, recommend actions regarding requests for new or additional space, and consider requests for modifications of existing space. The membership of the Committee shall be as follows:

University Space Allocation Advisory Committee

  • University Space Manager/Director of Support Services (chair)
  • Vice President for Administration and Finance
  • Provost or designee
  • Academic College (annual appointment designated by Provost)
  • Chair, Faculty Senate or designee
  • Chair, Staff Senate or designee
  • Academic Unit Leader (annual appointment designated by Provost)
  • Director of Facilities Management
  • Director, Planning, Design and Construction
  • SGA Representative (Director of Administrative Services)
  • Coordinator, Space Management, ex officio