Equal Opportunity Publication Policy

Op1.02-7 Equal Opportunity Publication Policy

Employment/recruiting: Publications, advertisements and websites

Non-discrimination statement

Missouri State University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy regarding the treatment of individual faculty, staff, and students. In accord with federal law and applicable Missouri statutes, the University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

This policy shall not be interpreted in a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or of military organizations associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

The University maintains a grievance procedure incorporating due process available to any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against. Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity  Employer and Institution. Inquiries concerning the complaint/grievance procedure related to sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, should be addressed to the Title IX Coordinator, Carrington Hall 205, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65897, Compliance@MissouriState.edu417-836-4252, or to the Office for Civil Rights. All other inquiries concerning the grievance procedure,  or compliance with federal and state laws and guidelines should be addressed to the Equal Opportunity Officer, Office for Institutional Compliance, Carrington Hall 205, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65897, Compliance@MissouriState.edu417-836-4252, or to the Office for Civil Rights. (Res. Board Policies No. 70-11; Bd. Min. 10-28-11.)

EO statements for printed or electronic publications regarding employment, i.e. booklets, large brochures, newsletters, most advertisements, etc. (choose one):

  • Missouri State University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
  • Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution

EO statements for small printed or electronic publications regarding employment when space is limited, i.e. stationery, small advertisements, one-page brochures, fliers, etc. (choose one):

  • Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity  Employer and Institution
  • An Equal Opportunity  Employer and Institution

The following statement can be added to any of those above:

  • To request reasonable accommodations during the employment process, please contact the Deputy Compliance Officer, Carrington Hall 205, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65897, 417-836-6755, or by email at DeputyComplianceOfficer@MissouriState.edu.

Student/recruiting: Publications, advertisements and websites

Non-discrimination statement

Missouri State University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy regarding the treatment of individual faculty, staff, and students. In accord with federal law and applicable Missouri statutes, the University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

This policy shall not be interpreted in a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or of military organizations associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

The University maintains a grievance procedure incorporating due process available to any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against. Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity  Employer and Institution. Inquiries concerning the complaint/grievance procedure related to sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, should be addressed to the Title IX Coordinator, Carrington Hall 205, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65897, Compliance@MissouriState.edu417-836-4252, or to the Office for Civil Rights. All other inquiries concerning the grievance procedure or compliance with federal and state laws and guidelines should be addressed to the Equal Opportunity Officer, Office for Institutional Compliance, Carrington Hall 205, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65897, Compliance@MissouriState.edu417-836-4252, or to the Office for Civil Rights. (Res. Board Policies No. 70-11; Bd. Min. 10-28-11.)

EO statements for large printed or electronic publications regarding student recruitment or Missouri State University academic programs, i.e. booklets, large brochures, etc. (choose one):

  • Missouri State University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
  • Missouri State University is an equal opportunity  employer and institution. We encourage applications from all academically qualified people interested in educational opportunities.

The following statement may be added to either of the EO statements above in printed or electronic publications that focus on student recruitment:

  • To request accommodations due to disability please contact the Disability Resource Center, Meyer Library, Suite 111, 901 South National Avenue, Springfield, Missouri 65897, 417-836-4192 (voice), 417-836-6792 (TTY).

EO statements for use in printed or electronic publications of course syllabi, course announcements, class schedules, etc. The Faculty Handbook requires faculty members to issue a written policy statement within the first week of classes summarizing the Non-discrimination Policy and Student Disability Accommodation Policy and Procedures:

  • Missouri State University is an equal opportunity employer and institution, and maintains a grievance procedure available to any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against. At all times, it is your right to address inquires or concerns about possible discrimination to the Office for Institutional Compliance, Carrington Hall 205, 417-836-4252. Other types of concerns (i.e., concerns of an academic nature) should be discussed directly with your instructor and can also be brought to the attention of your instructor’s Department Head.
  • To request academic accommodations for a disability, contact the Disability Resource Center, Meyer Library, Suite 111, 417-836-4192 or 417-836-6792 (TTY), MissouriState.edu/Disability. Students are required to provide documentation of disability to the Disability Resource Center prior to receiving accommodations.

EO statements for small printed or electronic publications regarding students or student recruitment when space is limited, i.e. stationery, small advertisements, one-page brochures, fliers, etc.:

  • Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity  Employer and Institution
  • An Equal Opportunity  Employer and Institution

Programs/events/services: Publications, advertisements and websites

EO statements for printed or electronic publications regarding Missouri State University programs, events or services, i.e. booklets, large brochures, newsletters, etc.:

  • Missouri State University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

One of the following options may be added to the EO statement above in printed or electronic publications that invite the public to attend an event on campus, including applications and program announcements, (i.e. camps, recitals, training announcements, etc.). These are usually accompanied by the universal accessibility symbols. Call the Deputy Compliance Officer if assistance is required to accommodate individuals with disabilities:

  • Missouri State University provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. Please contact (add name and number) at least (insert number) days prior to the program date in order that adequate arrangements are made. (Complete the information in parenthesis as it applies to your activity.)
  • Missouri State University provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. Please detail any request for reasonable accommodation on the application and submit by (insert the stated due date).
  • Missouri State University provides reasonable accommodation upon request. (This statement may appear with the universal symbols for accessibility and hearing amplification systems.)

Universal Symbol for AccessibilityUniversal Symbol for Hearing Amplification

Letterhead, enclosure slips, and newsletters must also include the following statement (choose one):

  • Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity  Employer and Institution
  • An Equal Opportunity  Employer and Institution

Mixed audiences: Neutral policy statement

All material intended for distribution must include either the first paragraph, in publications where space is an issue, or the entire following statement:

Missouri State University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. This policy shall not be interpreted in a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or military organizations associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

Missouri State University is an equal opportunity  employer and institution. Questions concerning compliance with regulations may be directed to the Office for Institutional Compliance, Carrington Hall 205, 901 South National Avenue, Springfield, Missouri 65897, 417-836-4252.

EO statements for small publications when space is limited, i.e. stationery, advertisements, one-page brochures, fliers, etc. (choose one):

  • Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity  Employer and Institution
  • An Equal Opportunity  Employer and Institution