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Credit for Basic and Intermediate Language Classes

The Department of Languages, Cultures and Religions (LCR) grants credit for prior learning for basic and intermediate language courses on the basis of:

Seal of Biliteracy

What is the Seal of Biliteracy?

The Seal of Biliteracy (SoBL) is a high school credential granted by Missouri and other states that certifies proficiency in English and an additional language. Seals are granted when students attain certain benchmark scores on state-approved standardized tests of language proficiency, such as the ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) and the Avant Standards-based Measure of Proficiency (STAMP 4S).

Can I receive college language credits based on the SoBL?

Yes, you can. The Department of Languages, Cultures, and Religions uses scores from SoBL-associated tests and other standardized assessments of language proficiency to determine placement and eligibility for credit for prior learning. In accordance with the Department’s Initial Placement Policy and the Initial Levels Credit for Prior Policy (see above), students who have earned a SoBL from Missouri or other states may receive credits at Missouri State University upon passing the course they initially place into with a B or better. Students must take at least one language course in the Department of Languages, Cultures, and Religions to receive credit on the basis of the tests used to award the SoBL.

If I earned the SoBL, what class or level do I start in?

Your level of initial placement, and subsequent credit for prior learning eligibility, are determined by the lowest subsection score on your official AAPPL or STAMP 4S score report, as follows:


Lowest Subsection Score

Initial Placement Level

Credit for Prior Learning Eligibility*






101 and 102




101, 102, 201, 202




101, 102, 201, 202, 205/311

*Limits apply, see Initial CPL Policy.

Where do I submit my official SoBL score reports?

Students who have earned a SoBL and who wish to receive credit through the Department’s Initial Placement Policy and Initial Levels Credit for Prior Policy (see above) must submit official score reports that show subsection scores on standardized exams to the Department via email ( Rarely, subsection scores appear on high school transcripts, but when that is not the case students should request that an official representative of their school submit their official score report directly to the Department.

Competency-based Language Certification Program

LCR also certifies the language level of students with advanced proficiency in a second language other than English through its competency-based Language Certification Program.

Graduate Language Requirement

LCR offers assessments of foreign language reading proficiency that may satisfy graduate program foreign language requirements. Interested students should consult with the directors of their respective programs to determine whether they may take an assessment to satisfy such requirements.