Office of Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct exists to serve the students of the Missouri State University community. The office is responsible for the implementation of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, adjudicating alleged violations of the code, safeguarding student rights and dealing with emergency situations which involve students.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

All Missouri State University students possess certain rights, privileges and responsibilities.  Each student is due respect of their personal dignity and property, and in turn is responsible for maintaining standards of personal behavior which do not interfere with the rights of others or with the functioning of the University.

The Office of Student Conduct recognizes that every facet of student life is an opportunity for learning and inquiry. The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities should be viewed as an educational tool designed to assist students in their endeavors to educate themselves and become active, involved, and responsible citizens.

Review the full Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Your Guide to the Office of Student Conduct

Student Conduct Blog


Processes and Information

Learn just how the adjudication process works.
Learn just how the hearing process works.
Learn just how the appeals process works.
Learn about the most common consequences that are assigned from student conduct violations.
Read through our current student conduct programming reports.
Read through conduct records of registered student organizations at Missouri State University.