Certificate in Archaeology


Ready to take the next step towards applying for a certificate in Archaeology? 

Archaeology Certificate Requirements

In order to receive a certificate in Archaeology, students will be required to complete a 12-hour program consisting of 6 hours of core courses in Anthropology and 6 hours of electives in Anthropology.


  1. ANT 305(3); ANT 351(3) OR ANT 550(3).
  2. Take 6 additional hours from the following courses: ANT 340, ANT 345, ANT 351 *, ANT 355, ANT 360, ANT 505, ANT 545, ANT 550 *, ANT 555. ANT 397, ANT 499, and ANT 598 are also available as electives when determined as applicable by the archaeology certificate advisor.
  3. All candidates must satisfy the General University Certificate Requirements.
  4. No more than 6 credit hours may be used towards completing of both the Archaeology Certificate and another degree program.

*These are variable content courses and therefore are repeatable for credit towards the certificate, as long as the content differs.

The archaeology certificate advisor may also approve substitution of relevant coursework not listed here.