Why Study Sociology?
Obtain the skills that will make you a more effective member of your community.
Understand community problems and their connection to public issues of social structure.
Develop skills that will make you immediately employable in many fields.
Have the opportunity to participate in undergraduate research that can actively change policy and influence policy makers and community leaders.
Program Objectives
The core component of the public sociology program is community engagement. Our program aims to develop the professional skills that compliment the sociological imagination; skills that take into account the ability to understand how individual and group behavior is shaped by society's historical development, how personal problems are connected to public issues of social structure, and how to work with others to improve social conditions.
The program also encourages the practice of public sociology, which applies the sociological imagination to public affairs in the form of community engagement that develops citizenship skills. To align with Missouri State's public affairs mission, the sociology program develops cultural competency through examining how social categories and social systems—such as race, gender, sexuality, class, age, and citizenship status—interact to structure social action and create human diversity. Finally, it promotes ethical leadership by demonstrating how responsible citizenship is informed by issues of social justice.
Learning outcomes
Students will:
- demonstrate knowledge of core sociological concepts.
- demonstrate knowledge of how to use theory to conceptualize a sociological problem.
- develop an ability to use social scientific research methods to address sociological questions.
- demonstrate the ability to communicate sociological knowledge to others.
- develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be engaged members of the community.
- possess analytical skills in areas such as policy analysis, administration/management, communication, quantitative analysis and problem solving.


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