
Already have a major? You can also earn a minor in gerontology or certificate in gerontology.
The Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education certifies us as a Program of Merit. We were the first in the nation, in 1999, to earn this distinction.
The Program of Merit designation recognizes gerontology and health profession programs that meet globally vetted criteria.
Missouri State University is proud to be a member of the Age-Friendly University Global Network. With a focus on public affairs and diversity, Missouri State University supports student of all ages.
MSU offers the only bachelor’s degree in gerontology in Missouri.
Increase your marketability. You can earn a double major in gerontology and another field with no extra course work.
Our program is small compared to others. That means you get a custom education and personal advising. You can build one-on-one relationships with your faculty, advisor and classmates.
Gerontology covers many things, which prepares you for more career fields. Your knowledge can apply to areas like biology, social work, marketing, business and more. Most students have jobs before they graduate.
We’re an affordable, nationally recognized program. You’ll be ready to thrive in a growing career field.