October 2, 2008

1. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order on October 2, 2008 at 1:30PM by Staff Senate Chair Casey Comoroski

2. Roll Call - Roll call of Staff Senate was conducted.

Present: Casey Comoroski, Konya Knackstedt, Lenord McGownd, Cathy McFall, John Avery, Cindi Barnett, Ron Boaz, Corbin Campbell, Donald Clark, Patrick Day, SuzAnn Ferguson, Marian Green, Tabitha Haynes, Lisa Langston, Steve Lowery, Janelle Melton, Terry Plank, Teresa Steele, Jaimie Trussell, Lynette Walker, Christopher Herr

Absent: Kelly Barnts, Troy Black, Debbie Branson, Norm Griffith, Sue McCrory, Dennis Perry, Orlando Hodges

Guests: Shiela Bowen

3. Guest Speaker - Sheila Bowen, Employee Wellness Coordinator, gave a presentation on the benefits and programs that the University offers their employees. Items Sheila covered are:

  • Most of the programs take place in the Taylor Health and Wellness Center. Some programs are free of charge while others may have a small fee associated with it. They can bring programs to offices, if the demand is there.
  • All employees have a wellness benefit of $400 each year. This benefit can be used for a variety of things including physicals and lab work.
  • Flu shots will be available soon and more information is forthcoming about them. The flu shots will be free for employees using MedPay.
  • Due to some technical difficulties and confusion with the Health Risk Assessment (HRA), St. John's will be offering all employees a free 3-month membership to the St. John's Fitness Center.
  • Equipment has been set aside for employees to use in McDonald 116 and the Plaster Stadium...we just have to get motivated enough to use them!!

4. Committee Reports

  • Smoke-Free Campus - Tabitha Haynes and Terry Plank gave a short report. There is a lot of information on this subject. They have talked to OTC. At OTC, violators are assessed a $15 fine or they must perform 2 hours of community service. The policy there is enforced by Public Safety. Presently, the following institutions are 100% smoke-free: St. Louis Community College, St. Charles Community College, and OTC. Mizzou and SEMO are moving towards smoke-free campuses. There will be some hurdles to address here. More information to follow...
  • Rec Center - The committee has met with the architect. Everyone would like for the Center to be LEEDs certified. LEED is a sustainability rating for building construction to be more environmentally friendly. They are anticipating it opening the summer or fall of 2011.
  • Work-Life - The draft report was submitted to the President last Friday. The tuition allotment for faculty and staff will increase from 12 to 15 hours a year. Six of the 15 hours can be used to offset the cost of attending Greenwood. More information to follow...

5. Old Business

  • Casey and Cathy McFall have been working on a reduced meal plan for staff. The plan will be available for use in any dining center on campus. The package will sell meals in increments of 10 with the cost being $35, or $3.50 per meal. The program should start sometime in November.

6. New Business

  • Dr. Nietzel would like Staff Senate to support nominating the Turner family for the Bronze Bear to be given out during the Fall 2008 Commencement. The Turner family is a major supporter of the University and provides key support and funding. A motion was made and passed unanimously.
  • Casey re-iterated the attendance policy of the Senate. The bylaws state: The Chairperson may move for a removal of a Senator after three consecutive absences. Please make sure to attend all Senate meetings or have a proxy if you are unable to attend. Please let Lenord know ahead of time if you plan to be absent and are sending a proxy.

7. Committee Assignments

  • The following committees are in place. We are always looking for more people to serve. People outside the Senate may serve on committees. All of the committee information is current and updated on the Staff Senate website

8. Denim Day Update: Many different activities occurred during the month. The luncheon was very well attended. All events and money activities are larger this year than last year's record breaking effort! There was discussion of moving this effort throughout the year instead of just concentrating it into one week. More information on this suggestion and final numbers to follow...

9. Staff Senate Scholarship: It was reported that the scholarship had $500 in the bank and $300 additional in pledges. Jaimie Trussell indicated that it is possible now to have a certain amount taken from your paycheck each period to go towards this fund.


A motion was made and passed to adjourn the meeting at 2:25PM.

Submitted by Lenord McGownd