October 1, 2009 Minutes

1. Call to Order - Konya Knackstedt called to order the regular meeting of Staff Senate at 1:30PM on October 1, 2009 in Plaster Student Union, 313.

2. Roll Call - Cindi Barnett, Secretary, conducted roll call

Present - Konya Knackstedt, Tabitha Haynes, Cindi Barnett, Sandy Arthur, Debbie Branson, Corbin Campbell, Mike Frizell by proxy (Lenord McGownd), Marian Green, Nadine Jones, Charles Klarr by proxy (Steve Talley), Kate Mendenhall, Cathy McFall, Janelle Melton, Dale Moore by proxy (Dana Popp), Erin Parrish, Dennis Perry by proxy (David Rodgers), Terry Plank, Teresa Steele, Jaimie Trussell, Lynette Walker, Kirk Whittington, Dixie Williams by proxy (Tracey Maxfield), Kyle Yates, Christopher Herr

Absent - John Avery, Debbie Casada, Donald Clark, Barbara Jones, Lisa Langston, Chris Polley (SGA)

Guests - Ken McClure (Admin and Info Services), Peggy Preston (College of Education), Kelly Barnts (Multicultural Student Services)

3. Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the September 3, 2009 meeting were approved. Motion made by Terry Plank; seconded by Jaimie Trussell; approved by all members

4. Approve and Welcome New Members

  • Konya asked for approval of Kate Mendenhall (replacement of Sue McCrory) and Kirk Whittington (replacement for Troy Black) to fill vacant positions.
  • Both replacements were approved by all.

5. New Business

  • Barbara Jones has resigned. She is Chair of the Scholarship Committee. Corbin Campbell volunteered to fill her vacant Chair
  • Discussion on how to replace Barb followed. It was decided to seek new applicants instead of filling the vacancy from the applicant pool. Konya brought up a nominee who was not from the Support Professional representation area; however, he was disapproved. All agreed replacement must be from the correct area of representation. Konya agreed to find a replacement and asked for any suggestions.
  • Staff Senate Member Selection Process - Open discussion on how to improve process and make changes in Bylaws. Complete by end of year. The Bylaws Committee will look at new ideas and report back. Jaimie Trussell and Erin Parrish volunteered to serve on the Bylaws Committee.
  • Staff Awards - Discussion on how to replace the luncheon on a $3,000 budget. It was suggested that a survey be sent to staff. There were several ideas, such as an ice cream social, and Konya will take ideas to the committee who puts this awards event together.

6. Old Business - None

7. Committee Reports

  • Bylaws Revision Committee - Cathy McFall is working on revisions. The committee plans to create a new application process.
  • Budget and Priorities - Konya Knackstedt will be meeting on October 5.
  • Denim Day - Teresa Steele reported that the total amount raised is not yet finalized. A 5K Run/Walk was held on Saturday, 9/26. A luncheon was held on 9/28 with approximately 350 attending.
  • Public Relations -100 mugs left. Looking at new items to order after the first of the year.
  • Scholarship - Still working on cookbook, need help from others.

8. Other Committees

  • Faculty Senate Representation - Tabitha Haynes and Teresa Steele reported. The following items were discussed: 1) JQH Arena financials, 2) Minority report, 3) Seat assessments at sports events, 4) revision of the faculty handbook.
  • Smoke-Free Campus Advisory Committee -Tabitha Haynes and Terry Plank reported. An open forum was held on 9/30 with 54 people in attendance. Next forum is Mon. 10/5.
  • Wyrick Commission - Teresa Steele reported. They have had 2 meetings. The process was covered at both meetings. This committee accepts and approves student proposals for capital improvement projects to be voted on by the student body.

9. Announcements Around Campus

  • October 2 - Denim Day, please give to this worthy cause by donating $5.00
  • October 3 - First Adopt-A-Street cleaning at 8:30AM
  • Staff Senate paid for Denim Day t-shirts but will be reimbursed from proceeds
  • Public Affairs Grant Program - Mary Ann Wood reported. Please share the word that staff can apply for Public Affairs grant funds
  • Staff Senate archives at the library is missing several years of records. If you have any, please contact Anne Baker at the library
  • Staff early retirement incentives - not being discussed by the administration at this time
  • Please send agenda items to Konya Knackstedt at least 1 month out, if possible

10. Adjournment - A motion to adjourn was made by Teresa Steele and seconded by Debbie Branson

Next meeting: November 5, 2009, 1:30PM, PSU 313

Submitted by Cindi Barnett